CONF 28.01.2011

Portraiture and Models of Likeness (London, 18 Feb 2010)


Krisztina Lackoi

Making Faces: Portraiture and Models of Likeness workshop
Friday 18 February, 13.00-18.00
Ondaatje Wing Theatre, National Portrait Gallery

This workshop will investigate the shifting concept of 'likeness' in
portraiture as an interplay between interior and exterior identity,
including the impact of Cartesian, phenomenological and psychoanalytic
theories of mind and body. It will also consider the extent to which
models of 'likeness' in portraiture can accommodate physical changes to
the face through injury and disease, and how historical and contemporary
developments in facial surgery challenge models of likeness predicated
on physical appearance.

The workshop is free but pre-booking is essential.

For booking information please see


Chair: Brian Durrans (British Museum Centre for Anthropology)

Joanna Woodall (Courtauld Institute)

Marcia Pointon (University of Manchester)
‘Likeness’ as a problematic concept in historic portraiture

Hugh Aldersey-Williams (Independent scholar)
“Like is an ill mark”

Suzannah Biernoff (Birkbeck, University of London)
Faces of war

Nichola Rumsey (Centre for Appearance Research, University of the West of England)
Whole face transplantation: issue of identity and recognition

Deborah Padfield (Slade School of Fine Art)
Facing pain

This will be the first in a series of three interdisciplinary research
workshops funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to
investigate Likeness and Facial Recognition. These workshops will bring
researchers in the arts, humanities social sciences and life sciences
together with museum professionals and contemporary artists to
investigate the historical context for our understanding of 'likeness'
in portraiture and medical images of the face, and the potential of new
research on facial recognition to inform work in the arts and
humanities. The workshops will also be used to explore models of
communication between researchers from the fine arts, the humanities and
the sciences.

The workshops are organised by UCL Art Collections, the National
Portrait Gallery and Wellcome Library.

Likeness and Facial Recognition Workshops
Workshop 1
/Making Faces: Portraiture and Models of Likeness /
Friday 18 February 2011, 13.00 -- 18.00, National Portrait Gallery

Workshop 2
/Reading// Faces: Physiognomy and Facial Typing/
Friday 25 March, Wellcome Library

Workshop 3
/Working Faces: Facial Expression and New Models of Likeness in Portraiture/
Friday 8 April, UCL

CONF: Portraiture and Models of Likeness (London, 18 Feb 2010). In:, 28.01.2011. Letzter Zugriff 24.09.2024. <>.
