TOC 27.01.2011

Umeni / Art LVIII, 2010, No. 5/6

Tomáš Winter

Umeni / Art LVIII, 2010, No. 5/6
Journal of the Institute for Art History of the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic

Daniela Rywikova
„V chlebnej tvari ty se skryvas…“ Obraz Veraikonu v kontextu
eucharisticke zboznosti pozdne stredovekych Cech
‘You are concealed in face of bread…’ The Image of the Vera Icon in the
Context of Eucharistic Devotion in Late Mediaeval Bohemia

Michal Sronek
Artikulove smluveni na drzeni kompaktat a teorie nabozenskeho obrazu v dobe pohusitske
The Articles of the Compactate Accord and the Theory of Religious Images in the Post-Hussite Period

Martina Sarovcova
Rebus Unhostskeho roratniku. K provenienci, objednavatelum a dataci iluminovaneho hudebniho pramene z pocatku 17. stoleti
The Rebus of the Unhost roratnik: The Provenience, Commissioning, and Dating of an Early Seventeenth-Century Illuminated Musical Source

Lada Hubatova-Vackova
The Silent Revolutions in Ornament (1880–1920)

Robert Simonisek
Traces of Czech Art Manifested in the Works of Slovene Painters at the Beginning of the 20th Century

Jonathan Blower
Max Dvorak, Franz Ferdinand and the Katechismus der Denkmalpflege

Achim Timmermann
A Sacrament House in Jerusalem: Time- and Spacebends in a Polish Entombment (c. 1465)

Martin Pavlicek
„Un gruppo in creta“. Mazzuoliho bozzetto Extaze sv. Bernarda Tolomeie v Opave ‘Un gruppo in Creta’. Mazzuoli’s Bozzetto the Ecstasy of St Bernardo Tolomei in Opava

Karolina Fabelova
Julius Meier-Graefe und seine Mitarbeit mit dem Verein Mánes und der Zeitschrift Volne smery

Jindrich Vybiral
Durch die Gunst der „Alten“ - wider den Willen der „Modernen“. Dokumente zur Berufung Otto Wagners an die Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien

Ondrej Jakubec
Petr Kratochvil (ed.), Velke dejiny zemi Koruny ceske. Tematicka rada Architektura

Kaliopi Chamonikola
Robert Suckale, Die Erneuerung der Malkunst vor Dürer

Pavla Machalikova
Lucie Vlckova, Krajinomalba v Praze 1840–1890. Prezentace krajinomalby a jeji reflexe na vystavach Krasoumne jednoty

Eva Bendova
Ladislava Hornakova (ed.), Fenomen Bata. Zlinska architektura 1910–1960 – Klingan Katrin (ed.), A Utopia of Modernity: Zlin. Revisiting Bata´s Functional City

Vaclav Hajek
Marita Sturken – Lisa Cartwright, Studia vizualni kultury

Acquisitions of Art History Sources
Ceska resume / English Summaries
Contents of the 58th Volume of Umeni/Art

Published by the Institute for Art History of the Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.
Editorial Office: UDU AV CR, Husova Str. 4, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel., fax: ++4202 222 216 46

TOC: Umeni / Art LVIII, 2010, No. 5/6. In:, 27.01.2011. Letzter Zugriff 18.04.2024. <>.
