Civic Artists and Court Artists (1300–1600). Case Studies and Conceptual Ideas about the Status, Tasks and the Working Conditions of Artists and Artisans
Der städtische Künstler und der Hofkünstler (1300–1600). Das Individuum im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Aux origines de l'artiste dans l'Europe médiéval et moderne (1300–1600). Artistes à la ville et artistes à la cour
This three-day symposium is organized by Prof. Dr. Dagmar Eichberger (Trier University/ artifex) and Prof. Dr. Philippe Lorentz (Paris-Sorbonne/ Centre André Chastel). The event is supported by the Centre André Chastel, LABEX and ARTIFEX, an ERC-project at the University of Trier. Enrolment for the symposium is free of charge. Early registration is recommended because of limited seating. For further particulars see below.
Symposium organizers:
Prof. Dr. Philippe Lorentz, Paris-Sorbonne / Centre André Chastel - Prof. Dr. Dagmar Eichberger, Universität Trier, FB III Kunstgeschichte & TAK/ SHARC.
Symposium registration via:
Deadline for registration : Monday 9 June 2014
Contact person: Dr. Anne-Julie Lafaye, Paris-Sorbonne
Hotels: The symposium office is not in a position to organize accommodation. Participants are therefore kindly asked to make their own provisions.
DAY 1: THURSDAY, 19 June 2014
9:00: Registration in the Foyer of INHA (2, rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris)
Welcome by Prof. Dr. Dany SANDRON (Paris-Sorbonne/ Centre André Chastel)
Introduction by Prof. Dr. Philippe LORENTZ (Paris-Sorbonne/ Centre André Chastel) & Prof. Dr. Dagmar EICHBERGER (Trier University/ artifex)
SESSION 1: The status of the artist: Terminology and conditions [a]
Chair: Prof. Dr. Philippe LORENTZ (Paris-Sorbonne/ Centre André Chastel)
Dr. Sabine BERGER (Paris-Sorbonne): “Artistes et maîtres d’œuvre au service des conseillers royaux dans la France des années 1300”
Dr. Ludovic NYS (Valenciennes University): ”Artiste de cour ou artiste à la cour ? Le cas d’une petite cour sur les confins septentrionaux du Royaume: le Hainaut des Avesnes et des Baviéres, 1280–1417”
Dr. Thomas RAPIN (Poitiers University): “Les artistes du bâtiment installés à la cour du duc de Berry : Le témoignage des sources contemporaines”
12:30-13:45 LUNCH BREAK
SESSION 2: The status of the artist: Terminology and conditions (b)
Chair: Prof. Dr. Thomas MAISSEN (Paris, Deutsches Historisches Institut)
Prof. Dr. Philippe LORENTZ (Paris-Sorbonne/ Centre André Chastel): "Peintre et valet de chambre: titre honorifique ou poste budgétaire?"
Prof. Dr. Krista DE JONGE (Leuven University): „The ‚Emperor?s Artists‘ Between Court and the City in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries“
Dr. Natasja PEETERS (Brussels, Royal Military Museum): “A guild’s eye view on art. Artistic production and the corporate world in Antwerp” (ca. 1550–1600).
16:00-17:00 Break
17:00-19:00SESSION 3: Keynote Lecture
Introduction: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Eichberger (Trier University /artifex)
Prof. Dr. Andrew MORRALL (New York, Bard Graduate Center): “Urban Craftsmen and the Courts in Sixteenth-Century Germany”
DAY 2: Friday, 20 June 2014
SESSION 4: Architects and master builders
Chair: Prof. Dr. Dany Sandron (Paris-Sorbonne)
Dr. Bram VANNIEUWHUYZE (Leuven University) and Boris HOREMANS, M.A. (Brussels, Université Libre/ HOST): „Les anciens ‚architects‘ bruxellois (15ième – 17ième siècles): artistes-fonctionnaires ou indépendants?“
Dr. Susana ABREU (Porto University): „Architects at court: Diego de Sagredo, Francisco de Holanda and the artistic milieu in Spain and Portugal, c. 1500–1550“
Prof. Dr. Madelon SIMONS (Amsterdam University): „The artists at the Courts in Prague and Vienna in the Sixteenth Century”
10:45-11:30 Break
SESSION 5: The city and the city painter [a]
Chair: Prof. Dr. Dagmar EICHBERGER (Trier University/ artifex)
Prof. Dr. Jacob WISSE (New York, Stern College/Director, Yeshiva University Museum): „Civic Patronage and the Recognition of Extraordinary Artistic Talent“
Danica BRENNER, M.A. (Trier University/ artifex): „Aufgabenfelder und sozialer Status der Stadtmaler im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert“
12:45-13:45 Lunch break
SESSION 6: The city and the city painter [b]
Chair: Prof. Dr. Dagmar EICHBERGER (Trier University / artifex)
Dr. Katrin DYBALLA (Frankfurt, Städel): „Zu Diensten der Stadt und des Hofes: Georg Pencz (um 1500–1550) – Ein ‚ehrbarer Diener‘ der Reichsstadt Nürnberg“
Tanja LEVY, M.A. (Paris-Sorbonne): „‘Je ne vis que de mon mestier‘ : la place des peintres dans la ville de Lyon (1460–1530)“
15:15-15:30 Short break
SESSION 7: The court – Craft as luxury industry
Chair: Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Legaré (Lille-3, Université Charles de Gaulle)
Dr. Michele TOMASI (Lausanne University): „Cour et ville, commande et marché : orfèvres et princes en France, autour 1400“
Dr. Aleksandra SZEWCZYK (Wroc?aw University): „Maître de corporation, artiste à la cour, émissaire de Monseigneur l’évêque – sur les divers emplois de Paul Nitsch, orfèvre à Wroclaw“
Juliette ALLIX, M.A. (Paris-Sorbonne): „Armuriers libres et armuriers de Cour dans la Ville d’Innsbruck“
DAY 3: SATURDAY, 21 June 2014
9:30-12:30SESSION 8: Change and innovation through migrant artists
Chair: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirchner (Paris, Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte)
Dr. Rose-Marie FERRE (Paris-Sorbonne): “Nicolas Froment, ‘peintre du roi de Sicile’, un étranger à la cour du roi René”
Prof. Dr. Susan MAXWELL (Oshkosh, University of Wisconsin): “Lazy Foreigners and Indignant Locals: Influence and Rivalry in Bavarian Court Patronage”
10:45-11:15 Short break
Prof. Dr. Aleksandra LIPINSKA (Berlin, Technische Universität): “‘Item nach begerett S.F.G. einen gutten Niderlendischen Meurer Meister ...‘. Netherlandish artists and craftsmen at the court of Julius Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg”
Julia TRINKERT, M.A. (Kiel University): „Kunstproduktion in der Stadt und am Hof. Zwei Szenarien im spätmittelalterlichen Mecklenburg”
12:30-13:45 Lunch break
SESSION 9: Guest of honor
Introduction: Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Tacke (Trier University / artifex)
Prof. Dr. em. Martin WARNKE (Hamburg University):
“Künstlerische Initiativen deutscher Fürsten im 15. Jahrhundert”
PANEL: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Eichberger, Prof. Dr. Philippe Lorentz, Prof. Dr. Andreas Tacke
SESSION 10: Court and city – Mixed career paths
Chair: Dr. Birgit Ulrike MÜNCH (Trier University)
Olga VASSILIEVA-CODOGNET, M.A. (Paris, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales): “Entre la ville et la cour : Otto Vaenius ou le prix de la liberté”
Prof. Dr. Jeffrey CHIPPS SMITH (Austin, University of Texas): “Wenzel Jamnitzer: Famous yet free?”
16:15-16:45 Short break
Dr. Sandra DIEFENTHALER (Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie): “Ein städtischer Hofkünstler: Christoph Schwarz (um 1545–1592)”
Dr. Ursula TIMANN (Trier University / artifex): “Hofmaler und Zunftmaler. Künstlerschicksale aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert”
18:00-20:00: Drinks
CONF: Civic Artists & Court Artists, 1300–1600 (Paris, 19-21 Jun 14). In:, Apr 14, 2014 (accessed Feb 5, 2025), <>.