CFP 30.11.2013

Galloping History (Ankara, 16-19 Apr 14)

Ankara, Turkey, 16.–19.04.2014
Eingabeschluss : 20.12.2013

Fatma Dogus Ozdemir

Galloping History
An International Symposium

There would hardly be any exaggeration in assuming that horses have been one of the most important companions to humankind since the development of civilized societies. Horses and equine culture have played great many roles in almost all historical epochs. Thus, historical inquiry has encountered this phenomenon in a diverse spectrum of fields, including but not limited to military, social, economic, cultural, and literary aspects of human life and its historical evolution. However, since the Industrial Revolution and the technological progress it brought about, especially in transportation, horses and equine culture gradually digressed from the realm of everyday life. The perception of horses and the culture associated with an interest in horses in the contemporary world, as being distinctive of a certain socio-economic class, undermines the true significance of humankind’s relationship with these animals.

For the purpose of elucidating this point, I. D. Bilkent University Department of History and Bilkent Historical Society, are jointly organizing a symposium entitled “Galloping History,” whose scholarly framework utilizes “horses” and “equine culture”. The symposium will be accompanied by a set of relevant social activities and the date range for the entire event is April 16 – 18, 2014. The aim of the venue is both to bring together the most recent scholarly research, thereby opening up new and innovative discussions in the field, and to enhance the dialog between the world of academia and a wider audience. The panels to take place on the 17th and 18th of April, will specifically focus on “horses” and “equine culture” in Ottoman, European and American History, in accordance with the Department of History tracks. Researchers in the field, graduate students of all levels and history enthusiasts are welcome to submit abstracts, to be evaluated by a board comprising of the Department of History faculty.

During the course of the four-day-long event, all expenses at I.D. Bilkent University (accommodation and meals) will be covered but the participants are otherwise responsible for their own travel expenses. The finalized schedule of events and panels, will be shared with the participants soon after the evaluation of abstracts is completed.

Galloping History Symposium welcomes abstracts that relate to the history of horses and equine culture, irrespective of any topic and field of study, so long as they have an Ottoman, European and/or American focus. The organization committee welcomes history papers borrowing from various fields, related but not limited to:

- Socio-economic, military, diplomatic, cultural history
- Sociology
- Literature
- Art History
- Anthropology
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Media, Modern Art
- Social and daily life

Abstract submissions are accepted either in Turkish or English. There will be no simultaneous translation service. Abstracts of no more than 350 words should be sent to, accompanied by a short biographical note, no later than December 20, 2013.

Galloping History Organization Committee
Elvin Otman,
Fatma Dogus Ozdemir,
Alp Rodoplu,
Fatih Pamuk,

For further information and questions, please contact:

CFP: Galloping History (Ankara, 16-19 Apr 14). In:, 30.11.2013. Letzter Zugriff 24.10.2024. <>.
