CFP Nov 28, 2013

Crossing the Space Between (London, 17-19 Jul 14)

London, UK, Jul 17–19, 2014
Deadline: Dec 2, 2013

Michael McCluskey, University College London


Crossing the Space Between, 1914-1945

The 16th annual conference of the multidisciplinary society,
The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945

July 17-19, 2014, Institute of English Studies, London

The 16th annual conference of the Space Between society will explore the notion of 'crossing' - whether of oceans, borders, classes, genders, disciplines or genres - as it relates to literature, art, history, music, theatre, media, and spatial or material culture in any country between 1914 and 1945. From 1930s writers and intellectuals crossing the class divide to the surrealist crossing of a sewing machine with an umbrella, from Virginia Woolf's Orlando to Michael Curtiz's Casablanca, from crossing the dance floor to spying and wartime betrayal, tropes and examples of crossing proliferate across the culture of the period. We invite proposals for papers considering any aspect of crossing whether literal or metaphorical, spatial or social, successful or unsuccessful.

Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words along with a short biographical statement to Nick Hubble at by 2 December 2013.

CFP: Crossing the Space Between (London, 17-19 Jul 14). In:, Nov 28, 2013 (accessed Mar 14, 2025), <>.
