Call for Papers:
USC Visual Studies Research Institute
Getting the Picture: The Visual Culture of the News
May 4-5, 2014, University of Southern California
News pictures promise to make the world, through the faculty of vision,
at once immediate and knowable. Few would dispute that the news picture,
whether static or moving, photographic or autographic, is one of the
most ubiquitous, powerful and controversial kinds of images today and
that there is a long and complex history of the news picture still to be
analyzed and explained.
This two-day conference seeks to classify and comprehend those pictures
that are news with attention to their production and material history.
The decline of print journalism, the rise of the Internet and the advent
of digital photography suggest that our current moment presents an
obvious turning point in the history of news pictures and yet we lack a
clear narrative of its earlier history. While research has examined
photojournalism through thematic priorities in the representation of
historical events – war, catastrophe, atrocity, and exoticism – we seek
papers that focus as much on the form, practice and material history of
news pictures as on the images' content. We are also interested in
reception as it relates to contextual definitions of news and the value
of its pictorial communication.
We invite submissions from junior scholars and graduate students in
their final year working across all times and places on "news pictures."
Please send a 250-word abstract and CV by November 1, 2013 to; include "News Pictures" in the email title. Travel and
expenses will be paid. Papers will be pre-circulated and commented upon
and there is an expectation that participants will read the papers of
other participants (between 10-12 papers). They will be due April 25,
This conference is part of the USC Visual Studies Research Institute's
three-year project: "Visual Evidence." The Institute houses faculty
research and the Visual Studies Graduate Certificate. For more
information about Visual Studies at USC, see:
CFP: News Pictures (Los Angeles, 4-5 May 14). In:, Sep 30, 2013 (accessed Mar 9, 2025), <>.