CONF Feb 28, 2025

Crossing Borders – Travelling Women Artists in the 1800s (Helsinki, 7 Mar 25)

Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland

Anne-Maria Pennonen, Helsinki university

"Crossing Boarders – Travelling Women Artists in the 1800s", at the Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki, March 7, 2025.

The story of women artists crossing borders continues. The exhibition Crossing Borders – Travelling Women Artists in the 1800s will be opened at the Ateneum Art Museum on 7 March 2025. The exhibition will present over 50 pioneering women artists with over 200 works. These artists were active in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Baltic countries, Poland, and Germany in the long nineteenth century. In addition, it highlights the connections and networks these artists had or built with Germany. The principal German cities are Düsseldorf, Dresden, Berlin, Munich, Karlsruhe and Weimar. Many of these artists also travelled further south to Italy, which often forms a side-track in their careers.

In this context, the museum arranges also a one-day seminar presenting some results of the 6-year long research carried out along the exhibition project. In addition, Crossing Borders catalogue presents the latest research on the field. The contributors include 17 researchers from the eight countries studied during the project.



FRIDAY March 7, 2025
Venue: museum auditorium (Ateneum Art Museum)

10.15 Opening Words: Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff

Moderator: Hanne Selkokari

10.20 - 10.45 Anne-Maria Pennonen: Crossing Borders – Mile Stones on the Way

10.45 - 11.15 Kathrin DuBois: Finding their place. The Kunstpalast's Latest Research on Women Artists in Düsseldorf

11.15 - 11.45 Natalie Gutgesell: The Art School for Girls in Munich: Inferface between Dora Hitz and Alexandra von Berckholtz

11.45 - 13.15 lunch break

Moderator: Anne-Maria Pennonen

13.15 - 13.45 Agnieszka Bagińska: Polish Women Artists and History Painting: Magdalena Andrzejkowicz and Anna Bilińska

13.45 - 14.15 Carina Rech: ’Two inseparable friends whose names as painters resonate throughout Germany’. Jeanna Bauck and Bertha Wegmann in Munich and Berlin

14.15 - 14.45 coffee break

Moderator: Hanne Selkokari

14.45 - 15.15 Ringa Takanen: Alexandra Frosterus-Såltin – From Emerging Young Artist to Professional Altar Painter

15.15 - 15.45 Eeva Kotioja: Travelling Women: Ladies on the Road in the Late 19th Century

15.45 - 16.15 Liisa Lindgren: Pioneering Women on the Rocky Road of Sculpture

Closing of the seminar


- The seminar/conference is open to the public.
- Registration is not required, there is no fee.
- Museum visitors can attend the seminar at the cost of the museum ticket.

CONF: Crossing Borders – Travelling Women Artists in the 1800s (Helsinki, 7 Mar 25). In:, Feb 28, 2025 (accessed Mar 3, 2025), <>.
