CFP 18.02.2025

17th World Congress on Art Deco (Paris, 20-25 Oct 25)

Paris, 20.–25.10.2025
Eingabeschluss : 07.04.2025


- Call for papers -
17th World Congress on Art Deco® of the International Coalition of Art Deco Societies (ICADS)
organized by the Association Paris Art Deco Society (APADS).

Its theme will be the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts which was held in Paris in 1925 and whose centenary we are celebrating.

The lectures will be held over four mornings. Their challenge is to highlight, in its diversity and richness, this exceptional event which, in retrospect, left its name to “Art Deco”.
All themes can be addressed: architecture, decorative arts, fashion, luxury, transport, gardens, graphics, etc.
Four to five 25-minute lectures are scheduled per morning. At the end of each lecture, 10 minutes of additional time will allow for discussions between the speaker and the delegates.

The areas covered will be as follows: :
- The 1925 exhibition: origin, organization and artistic movements.
- Impressions from international visitors, testimonies, letters, literature, photos, films…
- Official foreign representations at the Exhibition.
- Heritage and posterity throughout the world, the actors of this transmission.

Paper proposals must include:
- A clear title
- A summary of around 4000 characters
- A selection of 4 to 6 images from the corpus planned to illustrate the point
- A selection of bibliographical references related to the proposed subject
-A short biography of the author (10 lines)

They must be sent to the address no later than Monday April 7, 2025.
The lectures may be in French, but preferably in English.
Speakers will be able to attend all 4 mornings of lectures.
The selected speakers will have to approve the general conditions of the speakers.

- Deadline for sending proposals: Monday April 7, 2025
- Announcement of the selection by the Scientific Committee: End of May 2025
- Priority will be given to unpublished communications.
- The ambition is to offer an international and renewed approach of the 1925 Exhibition.

Composition of the Scientific Committee :
-Emmanuel Bréon, Conservateur en chef du patrimoine, Président d'Art Déco de France Editions-Expositions
-Maurice Culot, architecte et éditeur
-Jérémie Cerman, professeur, Université d’Artois, UR 4027 – Centre de Recherche et d’Études Histoire et Sociétés (CREHS)
-Julie Faure, Conservatrice en chef du patrimoine, Région Île-de-France
-Marilyn Friedman, New York Design Historian, Author of "Making America Modern: Interior Design in the 1930s."
-Bénédicte Mayer, Attachée de conservation à la Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine – musée des Monuments français
-Jean-Baptiste Minnaert, Professeur d’histoire de l’art contemporain, Sorbonne Université, Centre André-Chastel (UMR 8150)
-Simon Texier, Professeur des universités, Université de Picardie Jules-Verne (CRAE), Amiens / Secrétaire général de la Commission du Vieux Paris
-Membres du conseil d’administration de l’Association Paris Art Deco Society
o Jean Luc Dubreuil, Administrateur des associations des amis du Musée des Années 30, des Amis de l’Atelier Raymond Delamarre sculpteur et des amis du sculpteur Carlo Sarrabezolles
o Olivier Guillon, Administrateur de l’association Les Amis de l’Atelier Raymond Delamarre sculpteur
o Pascal Laurent, Architecte, historien, président fondateur de l’Association Paris Art Deco Society

See CFP in French :

See CFP in English :

CFP: 17th World Congress on Art Deco (Paris, 20-25 Oct 25). In:, 18.02.2025. Letzter Zugriff 28.03.2025. <>.
