in Art, Design, Curating, Visual and Material Culture, and Art History.
The Visual Art & Design Pathway of the Northwest Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NWCDTP) is pleased to invite applications from prospective PhD candidates for AHRC-funded studentships for September 2025 entry.
To apply for an award, candidates must have a confirmed place at one of these [see list of partners below] institutions by Monday 13 January 2025. Applications for a NWCDTP studentship must be submitted to the chosen institution Monday by 3 February 2025.
Using the guidance below and appropriate web research, first identify the NWCDTP partner institution(s) most appropriate for your proposed project, and then contact the relevant pathway representative as soon as possible. They will help you develop your proposal prior to formal application.
Lancaster University
Pathway representative: Sarah Casey
Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts (LICA).
Fine Art Practice, Media, Art Writing, Design.
Manchester Metropolitan University
Pathway representative: David Osbaldeston
Manchester School of Art, Faculty Arts & Humanities
Fine Art Practice, Visual Culture, Photography, Curating Contemporary Art, Design (esp games, sustainability) Architecture.
Pathway representative: Marco Iuliano
Architecture, Architectural History, Theory, & Design.
University of Manchester
Pathway representative: Dr Rupert Cox
Art History, Visual Anthropology, Visual Culture.
University of Salford
Pathway representative: Dr Toni Sant
Digital Art (esp. Data Art) and Curation, Human-centred Design (esp. Museum Interfaces), Socially-Engaged Art Practices (esp. Photography).
The NWCDTP is committed to equality of opportunity and working to ensure our cohort of postgraduate researchers reflects the diverse community we serve. We have introduced a range of positive measures to assist in achieving these commitments, recognising in particular that postgraduate researchers from Global Majority, Disabled, and Socioeconomically Unequal communities are currently underrepresented on our programmes and across the UK university sector. The introduction of these measures follows a review of our recruitment processes and forms part of a three-year plan we have developed to achieve greater diversity and better equality outcomes.
In 2025/26, we will recruit directly to the following Named Studentships:
Global Majority or Global Majority heritage studentship - recognising that our PGR cohort does not reflect the diversity of the UK population, this studentship is open to a Global Majority or Global Majority heritage candidate. This studentship is available for Home candidates.
Broken Pipeline studentship - recognising the clear inequality within the HE sector this studentship is for Home candidate from an underrepresented group or background. This studentship is for candidates who feel that they are from groups or backgrounds that are underrepresented within UK Higher Education and experience barriers to access and participation. Many of these groups or backgrounds intersect and overlap and can pose barriers to equality of opportunity.
For full guidance on the consortium and its application procedures, visit
The following guidance sessions organised by the NWCDTP are upcoming for applicants.
19 November, 5-6:
Workshop for candidates thinking of applying to ring-fenced studentships, including discussion of mentoring scheme. With Jerome de Groot and Excy Handsa (Application Support Fellow). Parts of this session will be recorded.
6 December, 2-3:
Workshop for all candidates with Jerome de Groot and Pamela Forster (Application Support Fellow).
Lancaster University
Manchester Metropolitan University
University of Liverpool
University of Manchester
University of Salford
STIP: Doctoral Research Scholarships, Manchester School of Arts. In:, 04.11.2024. Letzter Zugriff 13.01.2025. <>.