CONF May 25, 2024

The Rediscovery of Theatre Photographer Elli Marcus (Essen, 12-13 Jun 24)

Essen, College for Social Sciences and Humanities, Jun 12–13, 2024
Registration deadline: Jun 10, 2024

Mila Ganeva

"Fashion, Image, Exile: The Rediscovery of Theatre Photographer Elli Marcus (1899-1977)".

In cooperation with Cultural Anthropology of Textiles, TU Dortmund University
Please note: With the exception of the lecture by Mila Ganeva, the workshop will be conducted in German.

The recently rediscovered work of theatre photographer Elli Marcus (1899-1977), wo was active in Berlin in the 1920s, Paris in the 1930s, and New York in the 1940s, serves as the starting point for a broader discussion of fashion and theatre photography in this two-day workshop. Its specific focus is on the fate of fashion and theatre photography in exile and the challenges associated with curating photographic images for contemporary audiences.

The workshop will take place on 12 and 13 June at the College for Social Sciences and Humanities in Essen. It is co-organised and hosted by Mila Ganeva, current Senior Fellow at the College and professor at Miami University (USA), and her tandem partner Gudrun M. König, Cultural Anthropology of Textiles at TU Dortmund University.

On the first day, 12 June, invited scholars and curators will shed light on fashion photography in the Weimar republic and Elli Marcus’s work in exile and provide insights into curating fashion photographs. On the agenda for 13 June are female photographers’ networks in exile, theater photography, and digital curating practices.

Keynote address (12 June): Britta Bommert, Kunstbibliothek Berlin, Sammlung Modebild - Lipperheidesche Kostümbibliothek: "Modebilder kuratieren"

Please register to Mila Ganeva ( by 10 June, 12 pm.

The workshop will take place at the College for Social Sciences and Humanities.

Wednesday, 12 June
15:00 – Begrüßung | Introduction – Mila Ganeva & Gudrun M. König

15:15 – Medienumbrüche / politische Zäsuren: Mode fotografieren in der Weimarer Republik und im Exil | Burcu Dogramaci, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, LMU München

16:00 – Who was Elli Marcus? Photography, Exile, and Weimar Nostalgia | Mila Ganeva, College for Social Sciences and Humanities / Miami University, Ohio, (USA)

16:45 – Coffee break

17:15 – KEYNOTE: Modebilder kuratieren | Britta Bommert, Kunstbibliothek Berlin, Sammlung Modebild - Lipperheidesche Kostümbibliothek

18:15 – Discussion

18:45 – Refreshments

Thursday, 13 June
9:15 – Vernetzte Exilfotografinnen: Karrierebrüche im Exil | Nathalie Dimic, Seminar für Kulturanthropologie des Textilen, TU Dortmund

10:00 – Ephemere Kunst im Fokus. Theaterfotografie zwischen Dokumentation und Kunstform | Dorothea Volz, Deutsches Theatermuseum, München

10:45 – Coffee break

11:15 – Digitales Kuratieren in der fotografischen Exilforschung | Rolf Sachsse, Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar (em.)

12:00 – Final discussion

13:00 – Closing

CONF: The Rediscovery of Theatre Photographer Elli Marcus (Essen, 12-13 Jun 24). In:, May 25, 2024 (accessed Feb 11, 2025), <>.
