ANN May 26, 2024

The Livable City, Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab (Rotterdam, 20-23 Jun 24)

Rotterdam, Jun 20–23, 2024
Deadline: Jun 10, 2024

Christoph Brunner

Transdisciplinary Summer Studio on 'The Livable City'.

Over the course of four days, the Summer Studio welcomes artists, academics, scientists, designers, societal partners, and creative minds to explore new research methods and develop collaborative practices that cross the boundaries between the arts and sciences. We immerse ourselves in practice-led workshops, collective dreaming, sharing, and making.

This year the Summer Studio is a four-day workshop in which we explore techniques for speculating and reflecting on our ideas and needs concerning ‘a Livable City’ by creating and building multi-sensory maquettes.

How can transdisciplinary approaches help to (re)think life and livability in urban environments through an expressive and embodied way of sharing and reflecting?

The workshop starts with the Rotterdam based theatre company ‘Hotel Modern’ introducing their practice of making theatrical maquettes and visual performances. For the following days, we will use this maquette-approach to engage in speculative imagining and staging urban interventions and simulations with the help of construction: materials, light, sound & video, bodies, and concepts.

Each day begins with a workshop-lecture on a specific topic and perspective on livability in the city:

Day 1: Zoöp – Sensory worlds of many kinds (by Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Het Nieuwe Instituut)

Day 2: The Breathable City: Envisioning (Pathways to) Cities that Sustain (by Louise Autar)

Day 3: Bodies and Intimacies (by Annette-Carina van der Zaag)

Organized by:
Dr. Christoph Brunner (Erasmsus School of Philosophy)
Arlon Luijten (Codarts)
Dr. Annette-Carina van der Zaag (Erasmus University College)
(Codarts Rotterdam, International Bachelor Arts & Culture Studies (EUR), Erasmus University College (EUR) and Willem de Kooning Academy)

ANN: The Livable City, Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab (Rotterdam, 20-23 Jun 24). In:, May 26, 2024 (accessed Jun 17, 2024), <>.
