CFP 27.02.2024

The Lost-and-Found (Riga, 6-7 Jun 24)

Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, 06.–07.06.2024
Eingabeschluss : 02.04.2024

Basia Sliwinska

International Symposium: The lost-and-found: revising art stories in search of potential changes. Third and final event.

First event took place in Lisbon, December 6-7, 2023; second event takes place in Warsaw, 21-23 March 2024; the third and final event takes place in Riga, 6-7 June 2024. More information can be found at:

This is a Call for Contributions for the event in Riga, where we will focus on the mattering of matter with/in art (his-, her-, it-, their-) stories, theories and practices. While the overarching thematic focus of the International Symposium remains the same (the description can be found here:, in Riga we will specifically address the lost and found materialities and affects that enable creation of safe, caring, attentive and hospitable communities, relations and communications. We will include artistic, curatorial, institutional, and academic practices and artistic research that engage with art objects, artworks, collectives, and exhibitions that investigate the third thematic constellation entitled CLAWS, FUR and SHELL, after Wisława Szymborska’s poem inspiring all three events, A Speech at the Lost-And-Found (1972). We seek individual or collaborative contributions and for creative panels, to imagine alternative presentation formats and prioritise contributions that address the following issues:

- The role of materiality in creating, performing and using (safe, hospitable and shared) refugia;
- The agency of matter in building inclusive and holistic relations;
- The ability of matter to act sensorially, affectively, the safe revealing of vulnerability;
- Textures and textiles, weaving communities and enabling novel and alternative ways of seeing and imagining in sensitive responses to current urgencies and crises.

We welcome contributions that imagine alternative presentation formats and prioritise dialogue, object-based encounters and interventions that occur outside of the institution. These may include, but are not limited to, walkshops and strolls (itineraries proposed by participants should reflect on the issues mobilised by their contributions); gift giving and/ or sharing. We are happy to discuss and support any creative ideas prior to proposal submissions.

We encourage activities that are dialogical and collaborative, responding to the above themes and, if possible, attentive to the specific spaces within Riga.

Contributions must be on material that has not already been published. A prospective presenter must also be willing to develop the proposed contribution into either a book chapter or journal article, should it be selected for inclusion in a publication. Contributions must be in English.

The deadline for sending abstracts is 2nd April 2024.
Please send a proposal with ‘The-Lost-and-Found’ in the subject line to:

Submit a single document with the following information:

1. a title for your contribution
2. an abstract up to 300 words in length; please specify the type of contribution (for example, individual or collaborative presentation, panel, object-based workshop, walkshop, stroll, gift giving and/ or sharing)
3. a short biography, including your current institutional affiliation (up to 150 words).

Applicants will be notified of decisions by mid April 2024.
Conference fee is 100EUR.

The Symposium is organised collaboratively between University of Wrocław (Poland), Polish Institute of World Art Studies, Instituto de História da Arte - NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal) and Art Academy of Latvia in Riga (Latvia).
The general concept of this event was conceived within the framework of the project ‘Residua of pre-modern relations with art in selected contemporary convents in Lesser Poland and Lower Silesia’ financed by the National Centre of Science (nr 2021/41/B/HS2/03148).
The event in Riga is funded by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia, project “Cultural and creative ecosystem of Latvia as a resource for resilience and sustainability”/CERS, project No. VPP-MM-LKRVA-2023/1-0001.

Scientific Committee:
Agnieszka Patała (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Anna Markowska (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Basia Sliwinska (NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal)
Janis Taurens (Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, Latvia)
Margarida Brito Alves (NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal)

Conferece Executive Coordinator:
Sanita Duka (Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, Latvia)

CFP: The Lost-and-Found (Riga, 6-7 Jun 24). In:, 27.02.2024. Letzter Zugriff 22.02.2025. <>.
