LA DIANA is the journal of the School of Specialization in Art History of the University of Siena (SSBSA), now in a new online edition. A space for discussion of the research work carried out by the School, it is open to contributions of Italian and international scholars interested in sharing the results of their investigations in a transgenerational perspective.
Boarded by a high-profile international scientific committee, it supports and promotes different views on contemporary practices of art history, within a special attention to the contexts of production and reception of artworks and to the history of culture and ideas.
«LA DIANA» encourages proposals on less explored topics and new critical and theoretical approaches, methodologically updated and committed to the historical interrogation of the data presented. It meets the highest standards of peer review and publishes rigorous and original work in all fields of art history, architecture, decorative and industrial arts, design, costume and fashion, restoration theory and history, collecting and museology, policies of preservation, conservation, management and communication of cultural heritage, and the art market, in several languages (Italian, English, French, German and Spanish).
The journal is divided into four sections. The Studies section accepts long articles (max 60,000 digits), in which to publish more extensive original works such as new evaluations of an artist's activity as a whole, recompositions of dismembered or altered complexes, reflections on critical personalities or collections, favoring the exposition of new acquisitions, presented and discussed in the broader context of the relevant literature. The Contributions section is reserved for shorter texts (max 40,000 digits), with a targeted focus on the presentation of a single work, the discovery of a new document, the reinterpretation of a historical source, the clarification of facts and chronologies relating to a specific period of an artist's production. It is characterized by the precision of its information and the concision of its bibliographical references. The Notes section hosts bibliographical discussions on particular themes or lines of research, presentations of in-progress investigations or preliminary reflections on topics under development and further study (texts of max 20,000 digits). Finally, the Reviews section is intended for critical revisions of recent publications or exhibitions of particular interest or importance in the specific subject area of Art History (texts of max 10,000 digits).
«LA DIANA» publishes 2 regular issues per year. Manuscripts are accepted at any time through the online submission system.
More information:
CFP: LA DIANA, Call for articles. In:, Jan 17, 2024 (accessed Jan 15, 2025), <>.