CFP 05.02.2023

The space between technology, society, and art (Antwerp, 6 May 23)

University of Antwerp, Belgium, 06.05.2023
Eingabeschluss : 28.02.2023

Mona Hedayati

Open call for an intensive interdisciplinary symposium on the space between technology, society, and art.

An intensive interdisciplinary symposium that brings together 3 international academic experts for a discussion that intends to bridge the gap between dominant discourses in arts and humanities and creative computational practices. The goal is to foreground mixed and open methods and hybrid toolkits rooted in between the disciplines addressing the thematic call (please visit the link posted) to showcase the interactive and collaborative nature of interdisciplinary research and discuss the types of knowledges that such interdisciplinarity can produce.

This call is open for in-person paper presentation engaging with theoretical aspects of the thematic call or a survey of creative work presented with clear links to the thematic call through drawing on relevant theoretical underpinnings but not strictly as artist talks. Send your 500-word abstract along with a one-page CV and a short bio including your institutional affiliation as a single PDF file to:, by February 28, 2023 (extended deadline).

Guest speakers: Dr. Marie-Luise Angerer (Universität Potsdam), Dr. Chris Salter (Zurich University of the Arts), Dr. Ana Viseu (Universidade Europeia)

For more information, see:

CFP: The space between technology, society, and art (Antwerp, 6 May 23). In:, 05.02.2023. Letzter Zugriff 31.03.2025. <>.
