CFP Oct 6, 2022

Art History Study Prize, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice

Venice, Italy
Deadline: Nov 10, 2022

Marta Zoppetti, Fondazione Giorgio Cini onlus

Study Prize in Honour of Manlio Malabotta and Franca Fenga Malabotta


1) The Fondazione Giorgio Cini Institute of Art History is awarding a study prize in the memory of Manlio Malabotta, an art critic, writer and art collector from Trieste, at the behest of his wife Franca Fenga Malabotta, who donated her husband’s collection of graphic arts and a part of his library in the form of a bequest to the Fondazione Giorgio Cini. The Institute has thus announced an annual competition for a study prize worth 1,500 euros for art historians, graduates, postgraduates, master’s students, and PhD students, who for reasons related to their field of study and research need to make a study trip or live temporarily in a city other than that of residence (or domicile), to make use of the resources at a research institute, museum, library, archive or foundation.

2) Manlio Malabotta (Trieste, 1907-1975), was one of the most important 20th-century cultural figures in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia. An art collector, his outstanding merits in 20th-century art history debates have emerged consistently in recent years thanks to a rich series of publications and exhibitions highlighting his versatility and wide range of interests, which have now guided the selection of research topics covered by the award. One of the fundamental, binding criteria in the selection process will be the relevance to the chosen topics related to Malabotta’s academic and study interests and his cultural activities. These links must be made explicit in the curriculum of studies and be specifically explained in the research project to be attached to the application.

List of research topics:
- modern art collecting in 20th-century Italy;
- individual critics and the evolution of modern art criticism in 20th-century Italy;
- 20th century Julian and Dalmatian art;
- printmaking, artist's books, 20th-century Italian art publishing;
- Italian painting and sculpture in the first half of the 20th century, with a special focus on Filippo De Pisis and Arturo Martini;
- Venetian art in Istria and Dalmatia from the Middle Ages to Neoclassicism.

3) To apply candidates must send the appropriate application form to the secretary’s office of the Institute of Art History (c/o Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, 30124 Venezia, Italy; mail, accompanied by the following enclosed/attached documents:
- master’s degree or honour’s degree certificate (vecchio ordinamento degree in Italy) with an indication of the marks given in the individual exams or a certificate of equivalent qualifications; certificates of further university and post-graduate qualifications;
- list of scholarly publications with curriculum vitae;
- the research topic and description of the project proposed by the candidate (about 1,000 words), including the objectives and methodologies, as well as the resources, materials and documents to be used in the research work; the destination or destinations of the study trip, with an explanation of the planned schedule and of the scholarly reasons binding the research to the particular location or locations;

2) The application deadline is 10 November 2022.

3) The winner will be selected by a panel which, after assessing the relevance, quality, scholarly value, interest and conformity of the best projects and proposals, will rank the applications. After all the projects have been assessed, the name of the winner will be communicated by letter or email.

4) The documentation sent by the candidates will not be returned. The cost of returning any documents on request will be charged to individual candidates. The winner will not be able to apply for subsequent editions of the "Study Prize in Memory of Manlio Malabotta".

5) The prize-winner must present the Institute of Art History with a detailed programme of his/her study trip and communicate any subsequent changes to the academic contact or tutor appointed by the Institute. At the end of the study period, the prize-winner must submit a written report briefly highlighting the methods, development and results of the research based on the study trip. After completing the study trip and research project, the prize-winner will be required to mention the prize, using the exact wording, in his/her CV and in any publication connected to the research carried out on the study trip.

CFP: Art History Study Prize, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. In:, Oct 6, 2022 (accessed Jul 3, 2024), <>.
