CFP 11.05.2022

Decolonial Dialogues (York, 5-7 Oct 22)

University of York, UK, Heslington, York, North Yorkshire, YO105DD, UK., 05.–07.10.2022
Eingabeschluss : 01.07.2022

Victoria Vargas

4th Ventana Conference on Latin America:
Decolonial Dialogues from, within and beyond the Global Margins
University of York, United Kingdom

The legacy of colonial empires is still present on different levels and in daily dynamics of accumulation, separation, oppression, linearity, extraction and more. This means that the end of the colonies did not imply the end of coloniality. The colonial system and its embedded logics of modernity and Western thought have reproduced dynamics and epistemic violence, outlining and influencing the ways we perceive the world. Within this frame, Ventana 4 calls for papers and
workshops that question, unsettle, delink, rethink or disobey colonial ideologies. This is an invitation to encounter and link dialogues that emerge and discuss the different decolonial perspectives from
and with the margins. We aim to establish a bridge between thinkers, practitioners, researchers, and individuals with an interest in Latin America, and for this year's special edition we are welcoming links
and perspectives on the African decolonial experience. We are open to proposals that expand the ways we comprehend and interact from and with the margins. We invite you to reflect on the persistence of colonial structures, practices, and the empowerment of marginalised communities, by encouraging critical approaches and bridging the gap between different geographical spheres and thoughts.

We invite scholars and early-career researchers from the arts and humanities, social sciences, and other disciplines to partake in any of the two modalities we have considered this year: workshops and papers.

This year, the conference will be delivered in a hybrid format. For those attending in person, the conference will take place from 5th to 8th of October 2022 at the University of York, located in Heslington, York, North Yorkshire, YO105DD, UK.
Participation in the conference is free of charge both for attendees and speakers. The forum is open to include students from all university levels.
A participation certificate will be issued upon request.

Call for Papers
Although English is the conference's official language, in this edition we also accept presentations in Spanish and Portuguese, however, these must be pre-recorded and with English subtitles included by the presenter.
- Applications must consist of a 250-300 words abstract,
- 3-5 keywords
- a short biography (100 words) and institutional affiliation.
Applications need to be made by completing the google form of the Conference before the deadline scheduled for July 1st, 2022.
In the case of being accepted, speakers must consider presentations no longer than 15 minutes.

Publication of Papers
Ventana 4 is pleased to announce the renewal of our partnership with the Academic journal Tensões Mundiais.
Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit the final version of their papers a month after the conference (with the purpose of including possible corrections taken from their experiences in Ventana). And go through a second selection process to be part of a special edition in partnership with the journal Tensões Mundiais.
Submissions will have to follow the standard and editing requirements of the journal.
Further information will be provided in due course.

Call for Workshops
These workshop sessions aim to develop more dynamic and focalised discussions on specific subjects of interest to the attendees.
Applicants should submit a proposal of 500 words max. , including the following points:
- Workshop title
- A short description of the workshop describing the theme, methodology, implementation, type of activities planned, aims, research question, target audience and any specific technical requirement.(400 words)
- 3 to 5 Keywords
- Workshops must state the modality to be used either online, in-person or hybrid.
- If a specific online platform is required to facilitate the workshop, this must be stated in the proposal.
- Monitoring team, including full names, affiliations, emails, and a brief biography (no more than 100 words) (Workshops can be run by one person or a team of up to 3 members)
- The workshop session should have a duration of 2 hrs, considering a group of between 12-20 participants. During that time, the workshop moderator will introduce the subject, develop activities and lead the discussion on the main topic (a 15 minutes break must be considered).

The topics for both papers and workshops could be (but are not limited to):
- African studies
- Anthropology
- Feminism and Gender
- Sociocultural manifestations and interventions
- Art
- Language
- Politics
- Education
- Body politics
- Queer and LGBT+
- Economy
- Environment
- Psychology
- Trauma

Applications for papers and workshops need to be submitted via the Application form available on our website by the 24th of June 2022. Your application needs to be submitted in English.- (although your presentation could also be in either Spanish or Portuguese, as long as it is pre-recorded and has English subtitles).
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at
Final decisions will be sent out by Mid-July 2022.

Ventana 4 is willing to provide invitation letters and/or certificates of attendance to accepted papers and workshops, upon request.

CFP: Decolonial Dialogues (York, 5-7 Oct 22). In:, 11.05.2022. Letzter Zugriff 21.09.2024. <>.
