A call for 5 (five) Post-Doctoral Research Grants within the scope of the R&D institution IHA – Instituto de História da Arte (NOVA FCSH) is open under the following conditions:
Researcher Profiles: Holders of a doctoral degree in Art History, or in related areas in the field of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Work plan: The work plan consists of the development of the research proposal prepared by the candidate during the application.
The research proposals presented by the candidates may focus on any theme or problem in the field of Art History, in its broadest definition, and may also articulate the field of Art History with that of other scientific areas.
The research proposals presented by the candidates must consider the strategic project that the Instituto de História da Arte submitted for evaluation (see https://institutodehistoriadaarte.wordpress.com/strategy/). The project presented must fall within one of the following thematic areas:
1. Cultural Transfers in the Mediterranean space
2. Curating Lisbon: re-uses and appropriations of the past
3. Heritage and Material Culture Across Frontiers
4. The circulation of material and visual cultures in the early modern period
5. Iberian and Latin American Modernisms
6. Artistic transits across Lusophone Africa and beyond
7. Exhibitions: History and documentation
Workplace: The work will be carried out at the IHA – Institute of Art History, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH).
Duration of the fellowship(s): The fellowship will last for 12 months, starting on April of 2022. The fellowship contract cannot be renewed.
Benefits: € 1.686,00
Eligibility criteria: The grants are intended for holders of a Doctoral Degree in Art History or related areas.
Candidates must meet the eligibility conditions provided in the Article 7º of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Regulation for Studentships and Fellowships (2019).
Selection methods: The evaluation considers the merit of the candidate and the merit of the research proposal.
Applications considered admissible will be scored on a scale from 0 to 100 in each of the following evaluation criteria:
Criterion A – Merit of the candidate, 45%
- Sub-criterion A1 – Academic path, 20%.
- Sub-criterion A2 – Complementary path (scientific and professional), 25%
- Sub-criterion B1 – Originality and relevance of the proposed scientific contribution, 25%
- Sub-criterion B2 — Feasibility of the work plan, 10%
- Sub-criterion- B3 — Conformity of the work proposal to the strategic project and the activity of the IHA, 20%
For the purposes of the decision on granting fellowships, candidates will be ranked according to the average score obtained in each of the two criteria, translated by the following formula:
Final score= (20% * A1+25% * A2) + (25% * B1+10% * B2+20% * B3)
For tie-breaking purposes, the ranking of candidates will be carried out based on the score assigned to each one of the evaluation criteria in the following order of precedence: criterion B1, criterion B3, criterion B2.
The application must be sent via email to bolsasihafcsh.unl.pt and to j.cunhalealfcsh.unl.pt in cc, indicating as subject “IHA – Bolsas Pós-Doutoramento” and must include the following documents:
1) Curriculum vitae;
2) Certificates of the academic degrees held;
3) Declaration signed by an integrated researcher from the IHA stating his/her availability to supervise the candidate;
4) Research proposal, which should include:
a) Proposal title (maximum 40 words);
b) Summary of the applicant's work plan (maximum 150 words) | A good summary must be clear and well-structured, showing that the candidate is able to summarize the object of study, the objectives and the main expected contributions of the research work;
c) State of the art (maximum 500 words) | The state of the art, or literature review, gathers and discusses published information on the subject of the work plan. Its purpose is to theoretically support the object of research, referring to previous studies, which must be interrelated and confronted, especially if they are contradictory, as well as pointing out the originality of its proposal;
d) Objectives (maximum 300 words) | This field is intended to describe the main research questions and the objectives to reach with the development of your project.
e) Work plan / Detailed description (maximum 1000 words) | In this field, you must present in detail the work plan to be developed and demonstrate how the proposed objectives will be achieved. This description must provide all the fundamental elements to allow the analysis and evaluation by the panel, namely the methodological approach, the description of the tasks to be developed, their interdependencies and sequence, as well as the corresponding execution deadlines. It may also include a contingency plan indicating, in this case, how the unforeseen events that may occur in the execution of the work plan can be overcome;
f) Bibliographic References | Indicate, up to a maximum of 20 bibliographical references that support your work plan, providing the necessary elements to the panel for its identification. You should format your bibliographic list consistently and in accordance with an approved scientific referencing style, such as the APA (American Psychological Association) standard.
Note: exceeding the maximum number of words indicated in each field of the research project is sufficient reason for application exclusion.
Application deadline: 10/03/2022 23:00 - Europe/London
All the information here (English): https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/740876
or here (Portuguese): https://institutodehistoriadaarte.com/2022/02/10/concurso-para-5-bolsas-de-investigacao-pos-doutoral-bipd-programatico-iha/
STIP: 5 Post-Doctoral Research Grants, IHA, Lisboa. In: ArtHist.net, Feb 26, 2022 (accessed Mar 13, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/36021>.