ANN 10.01.2022

The question of Style (online, 24 Jan-13 Jun 22)

online / École normale supérieure, Paris, France; University of Geneva, Switzerland, 24.01.–13.06.2022

Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Université de Genève, CH

The 2022 Artls/Visual Contagions meetings are devoted to the challenging notion of “style”. Why are art historians so suspicious of the notion of style, when it seems to be common sense? With the vogue for computational approaches to style, we must return to this notion which, despite its limitations, remains useful for art history.

The seminar forms part of two projects: IMAGO at École normale supérieure, Paris, France (European Jean Monnet Excellence Center, 2019-2022) on the European circulation of images, and VISUAL CONTAGIONS (SNSF 2021-2025), on the globalization of images (university of Geneva, Switzerland).

-- Programm of the discussions --

Method Questions
24-01-2022 14:00 -16:00

Jan Blanc, Université de Genève - What is the purpose of style? Questions of method in art history

David Lo Buglio, Université Libre de Bruxelles - From column to facade: Morphological and stylistic characterization of architectural digitizations

Style, Nation, Historiographies
07-02-2022 14:00 -16:00

Karina Pronitcheva, St. Petersburg Institute of History (RAS) - The “Russian Style” in 19th-century Russia: concept, forms, perception

Carmen Popescu, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne - No Need of Styles: Building up Architectural Historiography.

Staging style, between image and text
07-03-2022 14:00-16:00

Simon Gabay, Université de Genève - Measuring style: the literariness of stylometric features

Michael F. Zimmermann, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt - Style - appropriation - parody. Habitus or visual rhetoric? Some thoughts on Manet, and on hermeneutics in art history.

Classical Style
11-04-2022 14:00 -16:00

Tatiana Senkevitch, The Paris Institute for Critical Thinking - The Classical in the Contemporary: On the Transformations of a Style

Rosário Salema de Carvalho, University of Lisbon - How many Annunciations are there? The impact of European prints on Baroque azulejos (1675-1750)

Describing Style
16-05-2022 14:00-16:00

Maurizio Ghelardi, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University - Aby Warburg: The transformations of style

Jorge Sebastián Lozano, University of València - Just how bizarre are bizarre silks? A case study in style historiography and visual digital analysis

What is “Style” for Computers?
13-06-2022 14:00 -16:00

Alison Langmead and Christopher J. Nygren, University of Pittsburgh - The Substance of Style: Connoisseurship Between Art History and Digital Technologies

Peter Bell, Dirk Suckow, Prathmesh Madhu, Ronak Kosti, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - Content vs. Style: two sides of the same coin

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ANN: The question of Style (online, 24 Jan-13 Jun 22). In:, 10.01.2022. Letzter Zugriff 24.04.2024. <>.
