9th International Congress Military Monuments
The fortified landscape: new research perspectives and value
Fortified landscapes cover a territory composed of fortifications, towns and their surrounding areas. The construction of these landscapes is a collective work, which is characterized by a continuous transformation over generations. Military structures must not be considered isolated elements. They must be framed by a broader vision that integrates them into the territory and interconnects them with community lives.
In medieval and modern periods, the construction of urban walls was not only linked to the political power of the time, but also to the way in which urban communities were given privileges, which were set down in royal charters.
Medieval fortifications mostly fall into the monument category, standing out for their beauty and monumentality. They are landmarks in the territory, functioning as symbols of urban identities. In parallel with the evolution of military art, the relationship between modern fortification and new urban concepts became more emphasized. The walls of this period and its fortified surroundings stand out and should therefore be preserved due to their symbiosis with the natural landscape.
The recognition of a fortified landscape category would definitely legitimise the holistic view that has always underlined towns' defensive systems. This symbolic landscape, which combines the natural and cultural realms, is part of collective memory and identifies the place. Thus, by sharing knowledge about its history, features, and future research projects, it is further valued and treasured.
APAC – Associação Portuguesa dos Amigos dos Castelos – is organising the 9th Military Monuments’ International Congress, to be held in Lisbon and in Tomar between the 20th and the 22nd of September, 2022.
Similar to those carried out in previous years, this congress aims to share the most recent research knowledge, as far as history, archeology, urbanism, architecture, art, and culture are concerned. In addition, it welcomes and encourages the presentation of projects that value fortified heritage regarding the respective fields of knowledge.
- Defense of urban structures in medieval periods.
- Fortification and urbanism: the military revolution in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century.
- Interpretation and representation of the fortified landscape.
Presentation proposal submission rules:
Proposals for presentations must be sent to: patrimonioamigosdoscastelos.org.pt
Proposals must include: title, abstract (max. 250 words), reference to the respective theme, curriculum summary (max. 250 words), and the applicant's e-mail.
Deadline for submission:15th of March 2022
Congress spoken languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish
CFP: The Fortified Landscape (Lisbon, 20-22 Sep 22). In: ArtHist.net, Dec 13, 2021 (accessed Mar 4, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/35535>.