CONF 20.09.2021

The Illuminated Legal Manuscript (online, 22-25 Sep 21)

online, 22.–25.09.2021

Maria Alessandra Bilotta

The Illuminated Legal Manuscript from the Middle Ages to the Digital Age. Forms, Iconographies, Materials, Uses and Cataloguing


To commemorate his third year of existence, the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team organizes on September 22nd-25th 2021, in collaboration with the Instituto de Estudos Medievais, the Instituto Português de Heráldica, the Fondazione Tesoro del Duomo Vercelli (Italy), the Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona (Italy) and the Società Storica Vercellese (Italy), an international Conference on the topic: “The Illuminated Legal Manuscript from the Middle Ages to the Digital Age. Forms, Iconographies, Materials, Uses and Cataloguing”. The event aims to communicate to a wider audience the results of investigations carried out by the team members during the first three years of its existence. This Conference is also intended to provide an overview of the development of research on illuminated legal manuscripts in Europe, on cataloging, digitization and materiality of these manuscripts with the aim of bringing together renowned experts on the subject and reflecting on the methodological implications and practical and theoretical challenges that this investigation entails. During this scientific event, different case studies related to some regions of the European territory will be analyzed through an interdisciplinary approach in order to overcome the limits and open up innovative and fruitful research tracks.

Instituto de Estudos Medievais (IEM-NOVA/FCSH)
Ius Illuminatum - Oficina de investigação
Fondazione Tesoro del Duomo Vercelli
Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona
Società Storica Vercellese
Instituto Português de Heráldica

Scientific direction and coordination:
Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-NOVA/FCSH; PI of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team) with the collaboration of the IUS ILLUMINATUM Scientific Committee

Organization committee:
Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-NOVA/FCSH; PI of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team)
Silvia Faccin (Biblioteca Capitolare di Vercelli)
Timoty Leonardi (Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona)

Registration is free and must be made through the emails and

Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST) UTC +2 (Rome and Paris Time)

IUS ILLUMINATUM is an international scientific team composed of medieval art historians belonging to different European academic institutions, all specializing in illuminated legal manuscripts. The formation of this research group is linked to the current research project “ManJurEurIt. Manuscritos Jurídicos Europeus Itinerantes” of Maria Alessandra Bilotta, researcher in the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Lisbon and member of the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) at the same University, who is the coordinator and principal investigator of the team. The project “ManJurEurIt. Manuscritos Jurídicos Europeus Itinerantes” aims to investigate the circulation of legal manuscripts in Portugal and their connections to artistic and social mobility in Mediterranean Europe. The research team intends to carry on a comparative study of the artistic, cultural and social currents revealed by the production and the circulation of illuminated legal manuscripts in medieval Europe. Each of the team members proposes to investigate these phenomena through the study of specific types of legal manuscripts, within a definite region of Europe. The team will be considering also the material aspects of the medieval legal book, with the collaboration of codicologists and archaeologists, analysing such books as archaeological artifacts. Finally, another purpose of the team’s work is to help promote and amplify the discussion of our issues by organizing scientific meetings and establishing contacts and interdisciplinary collaborations with other research groups and scientific institutions. IUS ILLUMINATUM has its headquarters at the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) in the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Lisbon, while the members retain their own academic affiliations.

Website of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team:



Wednesday 22nd September 2021

9.00–9.15 Opening session

Chair: José Francisco Preto MEIRINHOS (Universidade do Porto)

9.15-9.35 Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-NOVA/FCSH; PI of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team) – The Study of Illuminated Legal Manuscripts and their Circulation in Medieval Europe: The Crucial Role of Portugal and of the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) and the Work of the IUS ILLUMINATUM Research Team

9.35-9.45 Debate

Plenary Lectures

Chair: Alessandra PERRICCIOLI SAGGESE (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)

9.45–10.30 Keynote speaker: Alison STONES (University of Pittsburgh) - Pictorial Borrowings: images from civil law, canon law and medicine in some manuscripts of the Lancelot-Grail romance.

10.30-10.40 Debate

10.40-11-25 Keynote speaker: Rosa ALCOY (Universitat de Barcelona) – La Ley y los (reyes) legisladores: espectros y lugares del juicio en el Llibre Verd de Barcelona
y en otros manuscritos colidantes

11.25-11.35 Debate

11.35–11.45 Break

Session 1: Legal Illuminated Manuscripts in Libraries

Chair: Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-NOVA/FCSH)

11.45–12.15 Jorge JIMÉNEZ LÓPEZ (Universidad de Zaragoza) – Fuentes para el estudio de los manuscritos jurídicos en la Universidad de Salamanca. Entre la reforma del Papa Luna y la Escuela de Salamanca

12.15–12.45 Samuel GRAS (Université de Lille - IRHIS) – Les manuscrits juridiques enluminés d'origine française de la Bibliothèque Nationale d’Espagne

12.45-13.15 Michela PERROTTA (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli) – Manoscritti giuridici di età gotica della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli

13.15-13.30 Debate

13.30-15.00 Lunch Break

Plenary Lecture

Chair: Robert A. MAXWELL (Institute of Fine Arts, New York University)

15.00-15.45 Keynote speaker: Susan L’ENGLE (Saint Louis University) – Medieval Law Students and the Lives of Their Books

15.45-16.00 Debate

Workshop 1: Epigraphic Inscriptions with Legal Value

Chair: Gerardo BOTO VARELA (Universitat de Girona)

16.00-16.45 Keynote speaker: Vincent DEBIAIS (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, CRH-AHLoMA, Paris) – Affichage et exposition. La forme du droit dans les chartes lapidaires du Moyen Âge central

16.45–17.00 Debate

17.00-17.15 Break

Session 2: The Illuminated Legal Manuscript: Some Cases of Study


17.15–17.45 Jaime MORALEDA MORALEDA (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) – Los trabajos de iluminación para el Decretum Gratiani de la Biblioteca Capitular de Toledo: el volumen áureo del arzobispo Pedro Tenorio (1328-1399)

17.45–18.15 Andrea IMPROTA (Università dell’Aquila) – Codici giuridici miniati a Napoli nel Trecento: due nuovi testimoni

18.15–18.45 Sofia ORSINO (Università di Firenze) – Un manoscritto giuridico dell’antica abbazia di Alberese

18.45-19.15 Jorge PRADÁNOS FERNÁNDES (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) – Testimonios manuscritos de las Siete Partidas en archivos y bibliotecas de Portugal: una aproximación

19.15-19.30 Debate

Thursday 23rd September 2021

Plenary Lectures

Chair: Cristiana PASQUALETTI (Università dell’Aquila)

9.00-9.45 Keynote speaker: Francesca ESPAÑOL (Universitat de Barcelona) – Promotor y singularidades iconográficas del Decretum Gratiani catalán de la British Library (ms. add. 15274-15275)

9.45-9.55 Debate

9.55-10.35 Keynote speaker: Nuria RAMÓN MARQUÉS (Universitat Politècnica de València) – El Libre del Consolat de Mar: el derecho marítimo y el comercio artístico en la Valencia del siglo XV

10.35-10.45 Debate

10.45–11.00 Break

Session 3: Issues of Legal Iconography

Chair: Cécile VOYER (Université de Poitiers – CESCM–CNRS)

11.00-11.30 Gianluca DEL MONACO (Università di Bologna) – L’iniziale H(umanum genus) e la rappresentazione dei due poteri nei più antichi codici del Decretum Gratiani
11.30–12.00 Viviana PERSI (Centre d'Histoire Judiciaire - Université de Lille) – Les iconographies qui illustrent les dernières volontés dans les Institutions et dans le Digeste : l'exemple de quelques manuscrits conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France (XIIIe-XIVe siècles)

12.00-12.30 Rogerio Ribeiro TOSTES (CIDEHUS-Universidade de Évora) – «Naturales sesos de buenos omnes et leales». The Imagetic Representations of the Public Justice on the Vidal Mayor Miniatures (J. Paul Getty Museum, ms. Ludwig XIV-6)

12.30-13.00 Stefan DRECHSLER (Universitetet i Bergen) – The Development of Legal Iconography in Medieval Western Scandinavian Legal Manuscripts c. 1300–1650

13.00-13.15 Debate

13.15-14.30 Lunch Break

Session 4: The Illuminated Legal Manuscripts in the Digital Age

Chair: Gisela DROSSBACH (Universität Augsburg)

14.30-15.15 Gero R. DOLEZALEK (University of Aberdeen) – Il Data Base “Manuscripta Juridica”, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory

15.15-15.45 Andrea PADOVANI (Università di Bologna) – The "Irnerio" project

15.45-16.15 Maria Alessandra PANZANELLI FRATONI (Università di Torino) – IVS Commune online e MANUSIuridica: per una descrizione integrata di testi (e illustrazioni) del diritto dal manoscritto alla stampa

16.15-16,45 Silvio PUCCI (Ricercatore indipendente, già ricercatore dell'Università di Siena) – Un intervento di recupero e di riedizione online di un catalogo: il Catalogo dei manoscritti giuridici della Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati di Siena

16,45-17,00 Debate

17.00–17.15 Break

Session 5: Law and Literary Vulgarizations

Chair: Rosa Mª MEDINA GRANDA (Universidad de Oviedo, President of AIEO)

17.15-17.45 Sara BISCHETTI (Sapienza Università di Roma) – Francesco da Barberino notaio e poeta del XIV secolo: uno sguardo sui manoscritti autografi dei Documenti d'Amore

17.45–18.00 Debate

Friday 24th September 2021

Session 6: Medieval Civic Statutes

Plenary Lectures

Chair: Paola GUGLIELMOTTI (Università di Genova)

9.00-9.45 Keynote speaker: Rolando DONDARINI (Università di Bologna; President of "De Statutis Society") – L’Associazione "De Statutis Society" per lo studio degli Statuti medievali

9.45-9.55 Debate

9.55-10.40 Keynote speaker: Francesco SALVESTRINI (Università di Firenze) – Normative medievali in latino e in volgare: gli statuti della Repubblica fiorentina del 1355

10.40-10.50 Debate

10.50-11.20 Filipa ROLDÃO (Universidade de Lisboa) – Portuguese municipal charters in the Middle Ages: an ongoing interdisciplinary project

11.20-11.30 Break

Special session: Illuminated Legal Manuscripts Materiality
Organized by Timoty LEONARDI (Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona)

Chair: Mons. Bruno FASANI (Prefect, Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona)

11.30–12.00 Carlo FEDERICI (Scuola di Biblioteconomia, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana) – La complessa ‘cucina’ dell’archeologia del libro

12.00-12.30 Maura MORDINI (Università di Siena) – I frammenti giuridici dell’Archivio di Stato di Arezzo

12.30-13.00 Alberto CAMPAGNOLO (Université catholique de Louvain) – La trasmediazione della materialità del libro nel digitale verso una codicologia digitale

13.00-13.15 Debate

13.30-15.00 Lunch Break

Workshop 2: Legal Iconography in Manuscripts and Monumental Sculpture

Chair: Bertrand COSNET (Université de Lille - IRHIS)

15.00-15.45 Keynote speaker: Fabrizio LOLLINI (Università di Bologna) – Nella pagina e nel cantiere. Qualche confronto tra miniatura giuridica e scultura architettonica medievale

15.45-15.55 Debate

15.55-16.35 Keynote speaker: Lucia LAHOZ (Universidad de Salamanca) – Ambitos de la Justicia

16.35-16.45 Debate

16.45-17.00 Break

Plenary Lectures

Chair: Fabrice DELIVRÉ (Université Paris I-Pantéon Sorbonne; LAMOP – UMR 8589)

17.00-17.45 Keynote speakers: Maria João BRANCO (IEM-NOVA/FCSH) – Hermenegildo FERNANDES (Universidade de Lisboa) – Reassessing the life of Vincentius Hispanus (?-1248): Law, Church and Politics

17.45-17.55 Debate

17.55-18.40 Keynote speakers: François FORONDA (Université Paris I-Pantéon Sorbonne; LAMOP – UMR 8589) – La normativisation de l'horizon sacral dans les monarchies européennes : la production de manuscrits enluminés d'ordines de couronnement (années 1330-années 1390)

18.40-18.50 Debate

Saturday 25th September 2021

Plenary Lecture

Chair: Laura FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

9.00-9.45 Keynote speaker: Susanne WITTEKIND (Universität zu Köln) – Ordinatio and narratio iuris - The Illumination of the Codex Albeldensis Debate

Illuminated Legal Manuscripts of the Capitular Library of Vercelli:
A Virtual Tour
Organized by Silvia FACCIN (Biblioteca e Archivio Capitolare di Vercelli)

10.00-10.30 – Silvia FACCIN (Biblioteca Capitolare di Vercelli), Sara MINELLI (Biblioteca Capitolare di Vercelli); Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-NOVA/FCSH); Gianluca DEL MONACO (Università di Bologna) - The Legal Manuscripts of the Capitular Library of Vercelli

Chair: Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-NOVA/FCSH) – Gianfranco MALAFARINA (Director of “Alumina. Pagine miniate”) – La rivista “Alumina. Pagine miniate” e la conservazione e lo studio dei manoscritti giuridici miniati

10.45-11.00 Debate

Special session: HERALDICA LEX - Heraldry in Illuminated Legal Manuscripts
Organized by Miguel Metelo de SEIXAS (IEM-NOVA/FCSH)

Chair: Pierre COUHAULT (IRHT/CNRS - ANR Collecta)

11.00-11.30 João PORTUGAL (President of Instituto Português de Heráldica) – Droits héraldiques au Portugal (XVe-XVIe siècles) : texte et image, rapport et renfort

11.30-12.00 Matteo FERRARI (Université de Namur-PaTHs) - Jeu de miroirs : histoire d'une « charte lapidaire » dans le palais de la commune de San Gimignano

12.00-12.30 Martin SUNNQVIST (Lunds Universitet) - "Did Armorials have Legal Relevance?”

12.30-13.00 Laurent MACÉ (Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès) - Une héraldique hors-la-loi ? Les Coutumes de Toulouse en question (fin XIIIe siècle)

13.00-13.15 Debate Closing Remarks

CONF: The Illuminated Legal Manuscript (online, 22-25 Sep 21). In:, 20.09.2021. Letzter Zugriff 09.03.2025. <>.
