CFP Sep 12, 2021

The Art of Copying in Early Modern Europe (Florence, 21 Jan 22)

Florence, Jan 21, 2022
Deadline: Oct 1, 2021

Maddalena Bellavitis, Università degli Studi di Padova

In recent years, attention has been directed towards copies, with a particular emphasis on their meaning, function, provenance, production, patronage, collecting and dating. The aesthetic and conceptual tenets underlying this corpus of scholarly research focused primarily on works of art. However, this impulse to recreate images has also been transferred to other artistic and intellectual media. As such, the copy carries within itself a great number of intrinsic nuances, depending on the cultural context and the historical moment.


[1] International Workshop

The organizers of this workshop (Maddalena Bellavitis and Alessio Assonitis) invite papers that address issues that can shed new light and provide new interdisciplinary research trajectories on the mechanisms that regulate the practice and reception of copies. For this reason, we encourage submission for presentation proposals from disciplines other than painting, such as book history, media history, history of science, history of medicine, history of food and history of diplomacy.

The workshop will take place at The Medici Archive Project, Via dei Benci 10, Florence on January 21, 2022.

To be considered for participation, please provide a single document in Microsoft Word, consisting of a one-page proposal for a 20-minute presentation of unpublished work, followed by a short curriculum vitae.

Presentations can be in Italian or English.

Applications may be sent to by 1 October 2021 (participants will be notified by the end of October).


[2] Publication

Furthermore, and separate to that workshop, we are planning a volume with original articles on the topic. We invite papers that address issues that can shed new light and provide new interdisciplinary research trajectories on the mechanisms that regulate the practice and reception of copies. For this reason, we encourage submission for paper proposals from disciplines other than painting, such as book history, media history, history of science, history of medicine, history of food and history of diplomacy.

To be considered for participation, please provide a single document in Microsoft Word or pdf, consisting of a one-page proposal of unpublished work, followed by a short curriculum vitae.

Applications may be sent to by 1 October 2021 (selected papers will be notified by the second week of October).


Contact for questions:

CFP: The Art of Copying in Early Modern Europe (Florence, 21 Jan 22). In:, Sep 12, 2021 (accessed Mar 15, 2025), <>.
