STIP Sep 7, 2021

Fellowships, Kaete Hamburger Center, LMU Munich

München, Oct 17, 2022–Oct 15, 2023
Application deadline: Sep 19, 2021

Nikolai Brandes

The Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Dis:connectivity in processes of globalisation” (global dis:connect) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich invites applications for fellowships of up to 12 months for the academic year 2022/23. The Center explores from international and transdisciplinary perspectives the interdependent, complex relationship between global interconnectedness, lack of interconnectedness and disentanglement in historical and contemporary globalisation processes. Scholars from the humanities and social sciences, especially from the fields of history, theatre studies and art history, are invited to apply. The work of the
fellows should have a clear connection to the general goals of the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities and deal with at least one of the annually changing focal topics. These are:
- academic year 2022/23: interruptions
- academic year 2023/24: absences
- academic year 2024/25: detours
To find out more about the aims of the Center and the content of the foci, please visit the website at

During your time as a Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center, you are usually released from your teaching and administrative duties at your home institution and concentrate on working on your research topic. You are expected to actively participate in the events of the Center, such as the regular lunchtime colloquia or the interdisciplinary working groups of the fellows, which play a central role in the exchange at the Center. You are also expected to communicate your research results on one of our publication platforms. Furthermore, there is the possibility to organise an international workshop on your research topic during your stay or to organise events in cooperation with our partner institutions in the city of Munich. LMU Munich is one of the leading universities in Europe with a history of over 500 years. It stands for demanding academic education and outstanding research. The Center is centrally located in Munich and is very easy to reach by public transport. It is excellently networked with art and cultural institutions as well as academic institutions in the city, both nationally and internationally. As a Fellow at the Center, you will benefit from the many opportunities for interdisciplinary and international exchange, both with the invited researchers and with the artists who also reside at the Center.

Fellowships can be awarded for a period of at least 6 to a maximum of 12 months. It is possible to divide the fellowship into two phases. Please indicate the desired time of your stay in your application. After a successful application, the time and duration of your stay will be agreed upon individually on the basis of this information. After agreement, the Center will either cover the costs for a teaching substitute at the home institution or pay a stipend. In addition, the costs for the return journey (economy) to Munich will be reimbursed. A fully equipped workplace is provided.

Applications are open to post-doctoral researchers who have already distinguished themselves with outstanding work on the thematic focus of the Center. In addition to the usual application documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications), we ask you to enclose an exposé (approx. 5 pages) with your application, in which you present your research project in a clear and focused manner and
elaborate on its relation to the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Dis:connectivity in processes of lobalisation” (global dis:connect). Interdisciplinary connectivity and a link to current (also socio-political) debates are advantageous. The exposé should also include a short work plan for the time of your stay. Please send your complete application documents digitally in a PDF file to Ms Raphaela Loosen ( by 19 September 2021.

For further information on the Center please consult our website at or contact the directors Christopher Balme (Theatre Studies,, Burcu Dogramaci (Art History, or Roland Wenzlhuemer (History,

STIP: Fellowships, Kaete Hamburger Center, LMU Munich. In:, Sep 7, 2021 (accessed Feb 23, 2025), <>.
