CFP 12.07.2021

2 Sessions at RSA (Dublin, 30 Mar-2 Apr 22)

Dublin, 30.03.–02.04.2022 Redaktion

Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Dublin 30 March-2 April 2022

[1] Renaissance Medals and Exonumia
[2] New Perspectives on Italian Art

[1] Renaissance Medals and Exonumia
From: Tanja L. Jones,
Date: July 12, 2021
Deadline: August 5, 2021

Proposals are invited for a session (or sessions) dedicated to Renaissance medals and exonumia to be held at the annual Renaissance Society of America meeting Dublin, 30 March-2 April 2022.

As small-scale, sculptural objects intended for circulation and dissemination, Renaissance medals represent one of the most abundant surviving forms of early modern material culture. Intended for a wide range of audiences, medals and related objects served a range of purposes beyond commercial exchange. In addition to the portraits that traditionally appeared on their obverses, medals bore texts and imagery that included original inventions as well as those drawn from antique and contemporary sources, allegory, heraldry, or narrative.

Proposals that address the imagery on medals and the intersection of this with other media – including painting, other sculpture, and architecture as well as print- and bookmaking – are particularly encouraged. So too are those addressing political and social aspects of the creation, collection, and exchange of the objects.

Please submit abstracts of no more than 150 words with titles of 15 words max, along with a brief c.v. and a list of keywords to Arne Flaten [] and Tanja Jones [] by Thursday, 5 August 2021.


[2] New Perspectives on Italian Art
From: Ilaria Andreoli,
Date: July 12, 2021
Deadline: July 30, 2021

Organizers: Ilaria Andreoli (ITEM-CNRS, Paris / Fondazione Cini, Venice) and
Kelley Di Dio (University of Vermont)

This session aims to create a space for emerging scholars (recent Ph.D.s or Ph.D. candidates) of Italian art to present their work. Proposals on any area of Italian early modern art (1300-1600) are welcome. We are particularly interested in scholars working in new methodologies, new areas of study, or innovative approaches to more traditional areas of Renaissance studies. The intention is to provide new scholars a forum to present their ideas and methods and an opportunity to receive constructive feedback from senior scholars who will serve as respondents.

Please send proposals to the organizers, Ilaria Andreoli ( and Kelley Di Dio ( by July 30, 2021.

Paper proposals must include:
- abstract (150 words max)
- paper title (25 words max)
- your full name, current affiliation, email address, and Ph.D. completion date (past or expected)
- a brief c.v. (300 words max, and must be in list not narrative form)
- a list of key words (8 max)

Please note: Speakers must become RSA members by November 1st to speak at the conference.

CFP: 2 Sessions at RSA (Dublin, 30 Mar-2 Apr 22). In:, 12.07.2021. Letzter Zugriff 11.03.2025. <>.
