CFP 17.04.2012

Gender Politics and the Art World 2012/13 (Vienna, Oct 12-Jun 13)

Wien, 01.10.2012–30.06.2013
Eingabeschluss : 10.06.2012

Koordinationsstelle für Genderfragen, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

The „Art - Research - Gender“ lecture series is organized by the Office of Gender Issues of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. The topic for the academic year 2012/13 is “Gender Politics and the Art World”.

Gender Politics and the Art World

Even though for the first time women head a number of museums, lead art rankings, and serve at the helm of art schools and universities, questions regarding gender politics and gender differences in the art world have been all but resolved. Increasingly precarious employment conditions and dwindling resources give rise to the presumption that structures of inequality are in the process of being reinforced. At the same time, recent scientific and artistic research has shown considerable interest in the analysis of gender differences in today’s art world and recent art history.
Thus, this lecture series seeks to achieve two goals: The first is to conduct, in light of the current circumstances, a critical review of gender politics in the art system. The term “art system” encompasses institutions and mechanisms in the areas of museums, exhibitions, and the art market as well as art universities, associations, education, mediation, historiography, criticism, and funding policies. What role do the „gender“ category and gendered power relations play in past or present processes of producing, collecting, exhibiting, receiving, and communicating art? What lines of development and rollbacks can be ascertained? With regard to these issues, the focal point of interest is on the present; contributions focusing on the different periods of modern art or tracing certain aspects over a longer period of time are welcome as well.
The second thrust of this lecture series is the presentation and analyses of specific art projects that point to gender differences and structures of inequalities in the art world through subversive aesthetic strategies in various media, thus allowing for shifts in perspective or alternative views in the moment of reception. How do artists undermine institutional mechanisms of exclusion?

Scientists and artists of all disciplines are invited to present their perspectives on the questions raised above. We particularly welcome submissions by young researchers. Speakers are paid compensation of € 300 and can claim reimbursement of travel costs.

Usually, nine lectures are selected for each academic year, which are held on Wednesdays at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. We expect talks to take up to 60 minutes; a discussion follows.

Concept & Organization: Office of Gender Issues

Please submit your proposal by email on or before June 10, 2012, to Please include:
• Working title
• Abstract (300 words)
• Short biography
• Your contact data
Submissions are accepted in German or English.

CFP: Gender Politics and the Art World 2012/13 (Vienna, Oct 12-Jun 13). In:, 17.04.2012. Letzter Zugriff 13.03.2025. <>.
