TOC 30.04.2007

Peregrinations Vol. II/No. 2 (2007)

PEREGRINATIONS: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture Vol. II/No. 2
published by the International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Arts is
now accessible at

Here is the Table of Contents:

Featured Articles
--The Fourteenth-Century Tring Tiles: A Fresh Look at Their Origin and the
Hebraic Aspects of the Child Jesus’ Actions, By Mary F. Casey,
Independent Scholar
--Strategic Domain: Reconquest Romanesque Along the Duero in Soria, Spain,
By Mickey Abel, University of North Texas
--Eine Reise zu den Wallfahrtsstätten des östlichen Mittelmeerraums:
‘Souvenirs’, Bräuche und Mentalität des Wallfahrtswesens, By Vicky
Foskolou, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete
--Pilgrimage and Walsingham, By Gary Waller, State University of New York
at Purchase

Discoveries & Editorials
--Research Query: Pilgrims’ Footbaths?, By Mark Hall, Perth Museum, Scotland
--Google Earth
--Charity for Medieval Art and Architecture
--Editorial: A New Movement to Scrap Copyright Fees for Scholarly
Reproduction of Images? Hooray for the V & A!, By Sarah Blick, Kenyon

Short Notices & Announcements
--The Official Music of the Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, by Dick
Le Mair
--"Wayfaring": Music Inspired by the Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela,
By One Left
--Abstracts of Two Presentations at Archaelogical Conferences, Reported By
Richard Hedrich-Winter
--Medieval Walkway Found at Bury St. Edmunds Abbey; Book of Psalms
Discovered in Ireland Bog; Restoration Unveils Roman 'Sistine Chapel of
the Middle Ages'; Vatican Confirms St. Paul's Coffin Has Been Found; New
E-Mail Discussion List For Scholars of Early Medieval England

Featured Websites
--The Pilgrim Ways to Nidaros By Eiler Prytz, Oslo, Norway
--Romanes One of the most beautiful sites on the internet.

Research Announcements
Featured Journals (ShelfLife, Different Visions)
--Province of Palencia, Fromísta, Carríon de los Condes, Baños de
Cerrato by William J. Smither
--Province of Palencia, Moarves de Ojeda, by William J. Smither
--Iglesia de San Juan in Portomarín, by Rachel Danford

Photo-bank of copyright-free, high-quality pictures (with new image database)
Photo-share--An image-request source for art historians.

Sarah Blick
Art History
Kenyon College
Gambier, OH 43022


TOC: Peregrinations Vol. II/No. 2 (2007). In:, 30.04.2007. Letzter Zugriff 15.01.2025. <>.
