CONF Apr 6, 2007

Art Design Knowledge (Cleveland, 20-21 Apr 07)

saul ostrow

Graduate Education



Cleveland Institute of Art
Apr. 20-21, 2007

The Cleveland Institute of Art, with the support of The Cleveland
Foundation, invites you to attend on Apr. 20-21, “Art/Design/
Knowledge,” a conference exploring the current status and future of
graduate education in art. The event will focus on the need for a
Ph.D. in the visual arts and design with an eye toward the
collaborative creation of an international center for graduate
research in the visual arts and design in Cleveland.

Featured speakers will address the concept of the Ph.D. relative to
the M.F.A., as well as the crucial relationship of the arts to the city:

Carol Coletta (CEOs for Cities), well known for her forward thinking
on urban design issues and the building of creative communities;
Timothy Emlyn Jones (Burren College of Art, Ireland), long time
advocate for doctoral education in the arts;
Leonard Lehrer (Columbia College Chicago), who served on the College
Art Association committee that originally identified the M.F.A. as
the terminal degree in the arts;
Victor Margolin (University of Illinois, Chicago), influential design
historian and theorist.

Roundtable sessions will allow for the intensive discussion of issues
pertinent to innovative alliances in advanced visual studies.

Due to limited space and given the nature of this conference
participation will be limited–if you are interested in attending
please have them contact Anna Cottos at

CONF: Art Design Knowledge (Cleveland, 20-21 Apr 07). In:, Apr 6, 2007 (accessed Jan 22, 2025), <>.
