WWW 24.11.2006

Exposition and World's Fairs Bibliography, 1851-2005

H-Net Announcements

New Edition of Exposition and World's Fairs Bibliography, 1851-2005

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the availability of the new and improved
"International Exhibitions, Expositions Universelles and World's Fairs,
1851-2005: A Bibliography." This is the third edition of the most current
and complete bibliography of secondary sources on international expositions
anywhere, whether online or in print. You will find the expanded
bibliography at:

On the same web site, you will also find lists of exposition films and
fiction, for your reference. Please see the respective compilations at:

In addition, we would like to announce that the two major web-based world's
fair bibliographies (ours and the one from the Smithsonian Institution
Libraries), are about to be merged into one comprehensive, fully indexed,
searchable online bibliography which will be made available in the near
future. As soon as it is complete and fully functional, we will send out a
widespread announcement. Judging from people's responses in the past, the
bibliography has been a tremendously useful resource to researchers,
students and scholars. We hope to keep it as vital and up-to-date in the
future, with your help. Please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or
additions to the bibliography to Alexander Geppert at
alexander.geppertfu-berlin.de and Jean Coffey at jeanccsufresno.edu.

Yours sincerely,
Alexander Geppert, Jean Coffey and Tammy Lau
Freie Universität Berlin/
California State University, Fresno

Dr. Alexander C.T. Geppert
Freie Universität Berlin
Koserstrasse 20
D-14195 Berlin
Email: alexander.geppertfu-berlin.de
Visit the website at

WWW: Exposition and World's Fairs Bibliography, 1851-2005. In: ArtHist.net, 24.11.2006. Letzter Zugriff 21.12.2024. <https://arthist.net/archive/28766>.
