[2 positions]
Part-Time Tutors
Art History
School of Education and Life Long Learning
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Art History
School of Education and Life Long Learning
£22.50 per hour
We seek enthusiastic tutors with relevant qualifications to teach
courses in some of the following areas to adult learners from September
2007 onwards: Art History, Art in Wales, Welsh Film or related subjects.
Classes are held in various parts of Ceredigion and in Machynlleth,
Newtown, Carmarthen and Fishguard. We are also looking for a tutor to
develop existing modules into Distance Learning Packages.
Tutors will teach for a maximum of 8 hours per week during term-time
only and will be paid at an hourly rate of £22.50. The payment for the
development and delivery of distance-learning courses. is comparable but
calculated in a way which is more appropriate for the work involved.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Alison Pierse, the School's
Art Coordinator, chpaber.ac.uk <mailto:chpaber.ac.uk> (01970 622742).
An application form is available on the web at
http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/employment/ and should be sent to Margaret
Bevan, the School Administrator, School of Education and Lifelong
Learning, Old College, Aberystwyth, SY23 2AX or by e-mail:
mbbaber.ac.uk <mailto:mbbaber.ac.uk> by 1ST December, 2006.
Part time tutors ref: Art History SE/06/15
Tutor To Develop Existing Modules into Distance Learning Packages SE/06/16
Closing date: 1 December 2006
Probable interview dates: 29/30 January 2007
Research Fellowships
Mathematical Biology/Bioinformatics, History of Art, Chemistry, Modern
Corpus Christi College - Cambridge
(Stipendiary and non-stipendiary)
Applications are invited for one or more Research Fellowships tenable
for three years from 1 October 2007. Fields considered this year will
be: Mathematical Biology/Bioinformatics, History of Art, Chemistry and
Modern Languages (European Literature, Language, Thought or Culture,
post-1600). The Research Fellowships are open to graduates of any
university who on 1 October 2007 will have completed not more than five
years of research. Candidates with an external source of funding will be
eligible for a non-stipendiary award.
Further details and application forms may be obtained from our website:
or from:
Mrs Jan Leaver, Tutorial Administrator
Corpus Christi College,
Cambridge CB2 1RH.
Tel: 01223 764296
Fax: 01223 765586
Email: research-fellowshipscorpus.cam.ac.uk
Applications and testimonials must be received by midday on 10 January
2007, and may be submitted electronically or by post.
JOB: Jobs.ac.uk (2 positions). In: ArtHist.net, 19.11.2006. Letzter Zugriff 22.12.2024. <https://arthist.net/archive/28697>.