CFP Nov 11, 2005

War and Peace in the 18th Century (Indiana Univ)


The Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies at Indiana University is
pleased to announce the fifth Bloomington Eighteenth-Century Workshop,
to be held on May 10-13, 2006. The workshop is part of a series of
annual interdisciplinary events that has been running since 2002, with
20-30 scholars presenting and discussing pre-circulated papers on a
broad topic in a congenial setting.

Our topic for 2006 is "Lines of Amity, Lines of Enmity: War and Peace in
the Eighteenth Century". The eighteenth century witnessed both the
envisioning of a state of perpetual peace (Kant), as well as what some
have called the first world wars. What defines a "state of war" or
"state of peace" in this period? Are they opposed or complementary?
Indeed, are they even definable, stable states? Contemporary scholarship
continues to tell stories of the growth of civil society and the
Habermasian "public sphere," locales that seemingly domesticate
conflict, even render it productive. What relation do economic or
social competition, intellectual or scientific debate, political or
religious dissent have with ideas of war and peace? Foucault thought he
discerned in modernity a growing focus on "governmentality," which took
the life of the citizen as opposed to his death to be its object of
concern and calculation. But does the growth of such Enlightenment
ideals as perpetual peace, humanitarianism, and cosmopolitanism
effectively repudiate war and conflict as the norm for society, or even
some parts of society? Do the concepts of war and peace as articulated
in diplomacy, statecraft, law, literature, and philosophy have any
bearing on how war and peace were experienced by people at home, on the
battlefield, in the colonies? We would like to encourage the
reconsideration of the meaning, theory, practice, and discursive force
of peace and war in this period.

Papers might address questions such as:

How does one draw the lines of amity and enmity in this period?
What was at stake in naming a conflict war, as opposed to
democratic revolution, rebellion, struggle, or merely conflict?
What institutions and practices actively pursued peace-making?
Does the eighteenth century witness the birth of modern diplomacy? Do
social movements - evangelical religion, for example, or abolitionist
agitation - imply or manipulate attitudes toward war and peace?
What problems and benefits result from linking sublimity to war,
and war to sublimity? Peace to beauty?
How do changing attitudes toward war and peace reflect changes
in social stratification and class structure?
Do changing attitudes to the "normalcy" or "naturalness" of war
or peace affect how the life and death of an individual is represented
in literature or law, philosophy or science?
Once the wars of religion had been left behind, what was God's
perceived role in peace? In war?
Does the state of peace require - or allow - the memorialization
of war?
How and why do metaphors of peace and war change in this period,
and what are the effects or implications of such change?
What were the expectations for a valid or effective
representation of peace, or of war? What criteria do we use to judge
such representations, then or now?
* Is the dyad "war and peace" a Eurocentric concept? Is it
adequate for understanding organized violence or civil serenity in other
parts of the world during the eighteenth-century?

The workshop format, which has proven to be extraordinarily fruitful,
will consist of intense discussion of 4-6 pre-circulated papers a day,
amidst socializing and refreshment. The workshop will draw both on the
wide community of eighteenth-century scholars and on the large and
growing group of scholars in this field at Indiana
University-Bloomington. Papers will be selected by an interdisciplinary
committee. The workshop will cover most expenses of those scholars
chosen to present their work: accommodations, travel (up to a certain
limit) and most meals.

We are asking for applications to be sent to us by the 5th of January
2006. The application consists of a two-page description of the proposed
paper as well as a current CV. Please email or send your application to
Dr. Barbara Truesdell, Weatherly Hall North, Room 122, Bloomington, IN
47405, Telephone 812/855-2856, email

For further information please contact Dror Wahrman, Dept. of History,
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, e-mail


CFP: War and Peace in the 18th Century (Indiana Univ). In:, Nov 11, 2005 (accessed Mar 14, 2025), <>.
