CFP Oct 30, 2003

"Mighty Europe" (Bangor, UK, 11-13 Sep 04)

Linda Jones

"The Mistress-Court of Mighty Europe"
Configuring Europe and European Identities in the Early Modern Period.

Literature. History. Representation.

An international two-day conference hosted by the Department of English,
University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom

11-13 September 2004

How did Europeans represent each other in the Early Modern period? To what
extent were discourses of geographical and cultural identity shaped by the
political rhetoric and religious allegiances of the period? by the
literary output? by scholarly correspondence? by travel literature? by
diplomatic reportage? by merchant writing? by developments in cartography?
by civic displays? by music, iconography and the fine arts?...

This conference will concentrate upon the textual and visual politics of
linking European geography and identity in the Early Modern period.
Proposals will be welcomed from academics, independent researchers and
postgraduates which consider specific national, regional and/or civic
identities in Europe in addition to those which focus upon the
representation of the continent as a whole during the period.

Conference paper proposals should be addressed to Dr Andrew Hiscock, and
by e-mail: (
by fax: (+44 (0)1248 382102)
or by post:
Dr Andrew Hiscock,
"Mighty Europe" conference,
English Department,
University of Wales Bangor,
Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DG,
United Kingdom

The deadline for submissions is Friday 27 February 2004.

CFP: "Mighty Europe" (Bangor, UK, 11-13 Sep 04). In:, Oct 30, 2003 (accessed Feb 14, 2025), <>.
