CONF 26.08.2003

American Art Now (18 Oct 2003 - Williamstown, MA)

Mark Ledbury

Announcement: Symposium American Art Now
Saturday 18 October 2003. Clark Art Institute,
Williamstown, Massachusetts

Clark Symposium: "American Art Now: Aesthetics and Politics"
What are the aesthetic and political advantages, particularly today,
of the lack of a single direction in contemporary American art
it make sense anymore to speak categorically of "what's American,"
especially in an increasingly international art world
This Clark
Symposium will focus on questions related to the meaning and
significance of contemporary American art. Panelists will consider
both American and non-American points of view. After a morning of
presentations, invited speakers, including art historians,
critics, and curators, will join in a dialogue with the audience.
Tickets are $20 for non-members, $15 for members and students.

9:00 a.m. Conference Registration

9:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
"Art in America"
Arthur C. Danto
Art Critic, The Nation, and Columbia University
"Contemporary Art After the Culture Wars"
Richard Meyer
University of Southern California
"Documentary/Verité: Photography, Film, Video, Documentation, or, The
Figure of Truth in Contemporary Art"
Okwui Enwezor
Artistic Director, Documenta 11, and University of Pittsburgh
"The American Effect"
Lawrence Rinder
Whitney Museum of American Art
* "The Post-national Condition of American Art"
Miwon Kwon
University of California, Los Angeles
12:00 p.m. Lunch

2:00 p.m. Discussion among speakers and members of the audience

4:30 p.m. Reception


To register, please visit the Clark Art institute website and print
out the registration form from
the Clark Art Website at
and mail it to:

Events Office
Clark Art Institute
P.O. Box 8
Williamstown, MA 01267

Fax: 413-458-2324


A block of rooms has been reserved at the Williams Inn, a short walk
from the Clark. Please call 1-800-828-0133 to make reservations directly
with the hotel, asking for rooms reserved for the "American Art Now"

For more information, call 413-458-2303, extension 260, or e-mail

CONF: American Art Now (18 Oct 2003 - Williamstown, MA). In:, 26.08.2003. Letzter Zugriff 10.02.2025. <>.
