Q 03.05.2003

Sharing library information on a website

Nina Luebbren

I recently visited a number of libraries in Italy, Germany and France on a
research trip. I realised that it would have been really helpful to have
had some advice on how best to negotiate each library system in advance.
This would have saved me a lot of time and bother, in particular in places
where I was not 100 percent certain of the language.

I would be very happy to share my own experiences on a website. Would
anybody else be interested in reading such information and/or interested
in contributing to a common experience pool of 'libraries of the world'?

Libraries I myself can comment on: British Library (London), University
Library of Cambridge (UK), Zentralinstitut fuer Kunstgeschichte (Munich),
Kunstbibliothek (Berlin), Staatsbibliothek (Berlin), Biblioteca Nazionale
Centrale di Roma (Rome), Biblioteca Braidense (Milan, Brera), Bibliotheque
Nationale (Paris).

Please email me at nlubbrenyahoo.com

If there is enough interest, I shall set up a website.

Dr Nina Luebbren
Dept of Art and Design
Anglia Polytechnic University
East Road
Cambridge CB1 1PT

Q: Sharing library information on a website. In: ArtHist.net, 03.05.2003. Letzter Zugriff 02.01.2025. <https://arthist.net/archive/25651>.
