CONF May 20, 2003

American Art Now: Aesthetics and Politics (Williamstown MA, 18.10.03)

Michael Ann Holly

Clark Symposium

American Art Now
Aesthetics and Politics

Saturday, October 18, 2003

This Clark Symposium will focus on questions related to the meaning and
significance of American art as both a concept and an actuality. Both
American and non-American points of view on questions of nationality and
representation will be considered. What are the aesthetic and political
advantages, particularly today, of the fact that there is no single
direction in contemporary American art? What problems obtain? Does it make
sense anymore to speak categorically of "what's American"? After a morning
of presentations, art historians, critics, and curators will join in a
dialogue with the audience.

Scheduled to speak: Arthur Danto, Miwon Kwon, Richard Meyer, Larry Rinder,
and Okwui Enwezor.

For more information, call 413-458-2303, extension 260, or visit

Sterling and Francine C L A R K A R T I N S T I T U T E
Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267

CONF: American Art Now: Aesthetics and Politics (Williamstown MA, 18.10.03). In:, May 20, 2003 (accessed Jan 18, 2025), <>.
