CFP Sep 9, 2002

Art and the Religious Orders: Mendicant Orders (Kalamazoo, May 2003)

Anne Derbes


Call for papers for the 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies,
Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 8-11, 2003

Art and the Religious Orders: Mendicant Orders

During the last few decades, the artistic patronage of the mendicant orders
has been the focus of intense study. While we now understand much more about
the ideologies of different mendicant orders as they are expressed through
images, much remains to be discussed regarding the historical and contextual
use of works, such as altarpieces, cult objects, relics and reliquaries, and
fresco cycles, in the dissemination of their messages to their

Papers concerning the less prominent mendicant orders, such as the smaller
mendicant orders emerging before 1215 or those surviving after the Council
of Lyon in 1274, are encouraged.

The session is one of three thematic sessions sponsored by the Italian Art
Society; the other two sessions are Art and the Religious Orders: Monastic
Orders and Art and the Religious Orders: Confraternities.

Please send abstracts for the mendicant session to Anne Derbes, either by
email ( or by post (504 Dartmouth Ave., Silver Spring,
MD 20910).

Please note that the general deadline for all abstracts is September 15,

CFP: Art and the Religious Orders: Mendicant Orders (Kalamazoo, May 2003). In:, Sep 9, 2002 (accessed Feb 11, 2025), <>.
