CONF Jan 7, 2012

"Landscapes in Time", SAH Landscape History Chapter (Detroit, 18 Apr 2012)

Detroit, USA, Apr 18, 2012

Sonja Duempelmann


Please join the SAH Landscape History Chapter’s 2nd Symposium
18 April 2012 (before the main SAH conference)
9:00 to 17:00
Westin Book Cadillac Hotel
1114 Washington Blvd Detroit, MI 48226

$50 per person (includes coffee and lunch)


Anita Berrizbeitia, Harvard University
Deep Time Made Visible: Charles Eliot and the Metropolitan Park System, Boston (1892-93)

Margot K. Lystra, Cornell University
Models and Scores: Interdisciplinarity and Conceptions of Time in the 1960’s-70’s

D. Fairchild Ruggles, University of Illinois
The Alhambra’s Court of the Lions: From Islamic Palace to Spanish Patrimony

Stephen Whiteman, Middlebury College
From Traveling Palace to Mountain Estate: Recovering Historical Narratives in Qing Imperial Landscape Architecture

Nurit Lissovsky, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
The Gospel Trail’ in the Galilee: Journey through Time and Place

Elizabeth Kryder-Reid, Indiana University Indianapolis
Marking Time: The Perception and Representation of Time in California Mission Gardens

Robert E. Grese, University of Michigan
Time and Change in the Landscapes of Jens Jensen

Kathleen John-Alder, Rutgers University
Processing Natural Time: Lawrence Halprin and The Sea Ranch Ecoscore

Nora Wendl, Portland State University, and Michael R. Allen, Preservation Research Office, St. Louis
After Pruitt-Igoe: Narratives of an Urban Forest as Cultural Resource

Janike Kampevold Larsen, Oslo School of Architecture and Design Geologic Presence in a 21st-Century Wilderness Garden

Susan Herrington, President
Sonja Duempelmann, Vice President

CONF: "Landscapes in Time", SAH Landscape History Chapter (Detroit, 18 Apr 2012). In:, Jan 7, 2012 (accessed Mar 9, 2025), <>.
