Presented by H-ANNOUNCE http://www.h-net.msu.edu
European Association of Urban Historians
Sixth International Conference on Urban History
Power, Knowledge and Society in the City.
Edinburgh 5, 6 and 7 September 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Call for Papers Deadline: 2001-10-01
Date Submitted: 2001-08-20
Sixth International Conference on Urban History
Power, Knowledge and Society in the City.
Edinburgh 5, 6 and 7 September 2002
Second Circular and Call for Papers
European Association of Urban Historians
You are invited to take part in the Sixth International Conference of the
European Association of Urban Historians (EAUH) which takes place in
Edinburgh from Wednesday 4th to Saturday 7th of September 2002. The
conference begins with an informal reception on Wednesday evening. On
Thursday morning there will be an opportunity to see some of the resources
available for urban historians in Edinburgh. The central part of the
conference consists of two plenary lectures and a wide variety of sessions,
and round table=20
Proposals for papers are invited NOW and should be sent directly to session
convenors; session titles below and contact details on the following web
The EAUH was established in 1989 with the support of the European Union. Our
conference which takes place every two years is the largest and most
important meeting of urban historians in Europe and is now noted for
attracting urban historians from across the globe. We expect over 300
participants from a wide range of disciplines.
The title of our conference, Power, Knowledge and Society in the City, has
been chosen to celebrate the fact that Edinburgh in the 18th century was
home to some of the most innovative thinking of the enlightenment and that
Edinburgh in the 21st century is home to the new devolved parliament of
Scotland. The title also recognises both established and innovative work by
urban historians. One of the merits of urban history is the manner in which
it brings together such a range of methodologies, intellectual approaches,
periods, places and topics. As the list of session topics indicates, there
is no area of our curiosity as urban historians which is excluded from this
There are seven major sessions.
Who was running the cities? Elites and urban power structures, 1700-
Cities, Multiculturalism and Ethnicity: Expressions of Identity and
Municipal Politics, 19th/20th century
Between Cities and Urban Areas: What Scale for Cities' History?/ Entre
villes et regions urbaines: quelle echelle pour l'histoire des villes?
Imperial spaces and imperial power: urban geographies of Empire
The decline of industrial cities
European Cities, Public Sphere and Youth in the 20th Century
Endangered Cities: Military Powers and Urban Society in the Age of Total War
Models of urban power in European political systems: the Russian perspective
Specialist Sessions
Migration and gender in early-modern European towns
Civic Museums and Museums of Civic History in European Cities in the
Twentieth Century
"Almost-cities" and small towns: Lords and their urban strategies in early
modern Europe
Formal and Informal Economies in Early Modern European and Asian Cities
Urban Property: Society, Economy and Built Environment
Town and Crown: Political Cultures of Capital Cities
La ville et l'education en'Europe a la fin du Moyen Age et au debut de
l'epoque moderne.
Multi-Island Cities: Urban Development, Transformation and Socio-cultural
change in Venice and other towns divided by water (XIX-XX centuries)
The unauthorised city: Making and breaking regulations for modern urban
space (18th-20th centuries).
The value of practice and knowledge in building the Second Postwar city
Citizens, Money and Urban Governments in Late Medieval and Early Modern
Professions medicales, magistratures de sante et politiques sanitaires
urbaines, XIVe-XVIIIe siecle.
Metropolis and Nationalism: The role of the modern capital in the national
homogenisation and consciousness of the people.
Lost Cities/Lost Identities: Memories of Urban Life in the Eastern
Shadows in the Enlightenment City: the City-Image and the Rise of
Development of Modernist Planning
Cohabiter dans les villes Europeennes de l'epoque moderne et contemporaine
(18 and 19e)
Knowing the City
Urban Centres in South and South East Asia: Economy and Culture
Consulting the citizen: negotiation and negation in urban policy making.
Rituals Take Over
From Patrician Power to Common Citizenship? Transformations of the city
state in the aftermath of the French Revolution
Municipal Government and Administration. Position and Significance of 20th
Century Urban Elites
The Administrative Town: European Regional Capitals
The City as Laboratory for Landscape in the 17th and 18th Centuries;
La ville, laboratoire du paysage XVIIe / XVIIIe siecles
Civic space in 19th and 20th-century urban societies
Medieval and Early Modern (Round Table)Industrial and Modern (Round Table)
Methodology and Historiography: Studying the European City: National and
Comparative Approaches
The contact details for all organizers are available on the web sites as are
details of poster exhibition and publishers stands. These web sites have
details for registration and accomodation or you may contact Anne Hall or
Professor R J Morris at the addresses below.
Proposals for papers to listed session organizers: 1st October 2001.
Note of acceptance to authors: end of November 2001.
Papers listed on Web Site: 1st January 2002
Full programme available: June 2002.
Text of papers to session organizers and electronic version to conference
organizers: 1st June 2002
Booking for those who require Edinburgh First accommodation: 31st May 2002.
Last date for registration without surcharge: 30 June 2002.
Contact information:
Anne Hall
Conference on Urban History 2002
Edinburgh First
The University of Edinburgh
18 Holyrood Park Road
Edinburgh EH16 5AY
Tel: +44 31 651 2006
Fax: + 44 31 667 7271
e-mail: anne.halled.ac.uk
General and academic enquiries
Professor R J Morris
Department of Economic and Social History
William Robertson Building
George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9JY
Email: rjmorrised.ac.uk
Call for Papers website:
CFP: Power, Knowledge and Society in the City (Edinburgh, 5.-7.9.02). In: ArtHist.net, Aug 23, 2001 (accessed Feb 23, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/24590>.