Q Apr 30, 2001

Archives of Dresden Arts Academy

H-ArtHist (Homann)

Dear list,

I am seeking records concerning the relationship of official arts policy to
its implementation in the curriculum and exhibitions of The Dresden Academy
in the 1950s-1960s. I have general statements of policy but would appreciate
locating an archive that might hold specific documents (whether through
surveillance, or school records) pertaining to students, faculty,
administrators and curators during this period. As far as I know there is no
archive comparable to that of the Berlin Academy, for example. Please reply
directly to: nugentjasas.upenn.edu

Thank you,

Jeanne Nugent

History of Art

University of Pennsylvania

Q: Archives of Dresden Arts Academy. In: ArtHist.net, Apr 30, 2001 (accessed Apr 19, 2024), <https://arthist.net/archive/24417>.
