TOC 06.01.2021 4/2020

Angela Dressen

Kunsttexte 4/2020

Sektion: Transkulturelle Perspektiven
Section: Transcultural perspectives

Representing Tibet Abroad: Tibetan Heritage, Art and Material Culture

This special issue of Transcultural Perspectives investigates representations of Tibetan heritage, art and material culture in the Tibetan diaspora. (For more details, see Editorial)

Höfer, Regina
Editorial: Representing Tibet Abroad: Tibetan Heritage, Art and Material Culture

Braden, Laura E.A. / Oosterman, Naomi
World Systems Perspectives and Art: A Case Study of the Museum of Contemporary Tibetan Art in the Netherlands

Niebuhr, Uwe / Widorn, Verena
'Tibetan Treasures' of the Weltmuseum Wien: A First Critical Approach to René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz's Policy of Collecting

Saikia, Monalisha
The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives: Diaspora, Memory, and Movement


TOC: 4/2020. In:, 06.01.2021. Letzter Zugriff 03.03.2025. <>.
