CFP 16.02.2020

Session at SECAC 2020 (Richmond, 21-24 Oct 20)

Richmond, VA, 21.–24.10.2020
Eingabeschluss : 01.04.2020

Kristin Barry, Ball State University

Session: Chronologically Challenged: New Approaches to Pedagogy in Teaching the History Survey
Session Chair: Kristin M. Barry, Ball State University

Burckhardt begins his 1872 Reflections on History with the directive: “Our work in this course will consist in linking up a number of historical observations and enquiries to a series of half-random trains of thought.” This sardonic approach exemplifies the historiography of Art History pedagogy, which utilized various methods of reflection and theme to tie together a historical narrative. Thus, began the tradition of the canonical semester survey, chronologically addressing cultural production and relying on individuals to innovate beyond the standard read, regurgitate, reflect, repeat. Despite this canonical approach, the goals of the survey have shifted significantly since Burckhardt’s days, as universities and departments have embraced cultural production not exclusively found in the western narrative. This decolonization of art history content presents the survey with both opportunities and challenges—the diversification of content and theme, and the continuing expansion of canon, often unrelated by chronology. In a modern context, how can content be categorized or compared? What themes can be found throughout a world history?

This panel invites submissions for 15-minute long presentations that highlight new and innovative approaches to teaching the world survey in the context of Burckhardt’s initial approach, challenging the chronological tradition and suggesting new ways to “link” historical narratives.

For more information about SECAC 2020, please visit the conference page at:

Please submit abstracts of no more than 200 words through the submissions portal at:

Direct all questions to:

CFP: Session at SECAC 2020 (Richmond, 21-24 Oct 20). In:, 16.02.2020. Letzter Zugriff 03.05.2024. <>.
