CONF Feb 11, 2020

Women Artists in Baltic and Nordic Museums (Tallinn, 5-6 Mar 20)

Auditorium of the Kumu Art Museum Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1, Tallinn 10127, Mar 5–06, 2020

Anu Allas

Women Artists in Baltic and Nordic Museums
The Kumu Art Museum’s conference 2020

The conference accompanies the exhibition Creating the Self. Emancipating Woman in Estonian and Finnish Art (06.12.2019–26.04.2020 in Kumu Art Museum, curated by Tiina Abel and Anu Allas) organised in cooperation between Kumu Art Museum and Ateneum Art Museum in Helsinki.

Thursday, 5 March

10.15 Opening remarks
Kadi Polli, director of Kumu Art Museum
Anu Allas, curator and programme manager

10.30–12.15 Mapping and Collecting
Chair Kadi Polli

Baiba Vanaga (Rundāle Palace Museum)
Women Artists’ Works in Public Collections in Latvia, 1870–1915

Linda Hinners (Nationalmuseum Stockholm)
In Search of Swedish Women Sculptors: Mapping, Collecting and Exhibiting Women Sculptors at Nationalmuseum Stockholm

Kai Stahl (University of Turku)
Early Works by the Mei Sisters in the Collections of Estonian Museums

12.15–12.45 Coffee break

12.45–14.30 Discovering and Musealising
Chair Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen

Natalie Gutgesell (Coburg)
Discoveries of Lost Female Artists and Their Impacts on the Internal Hierarchies of Museums’ Collections: The Baltic-German Painter Alexandra von Berckholtz (1821–1899)

Inge Lise Mogensen Bech (Brundlund Castle Art Museum / Aarhus University)
The Musealisation of the Danish artist Franciska Clausen (1899–1986)

Jana Kukaine (Art Academy of Latvia)
An Encounter with Aleksandra Beļcova (1892–1981) in the Virtual Feminist Museum

14.30–15.30 Lunch

15.30–17.15 Increasing Visibility
Chair Sigrun Åsebø

Anna Meister and Karin Sidén (Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, Stockholm)
Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde: Working to Increase the Visibility of Women Artists

Agnė Narušytė (Lithuanian Culture Research Institute)
Women Artists in the New Permanent Display at the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius: An Insider’s Account

Ingrid Ruudi (Estonian Academy of Arts)
A Postscript to an Exhibition: Feminist Investigation of the Museum of Estonian Architecture

17.15–18.00 Coffee break

18.00 Keynote lecture
Chair Anu Allas

Iris Müller-Westermann (Moderna Museet Malmö)

Friday, 6 March

10.30–12.15 Recognising and Empowering
Chair Mirjam Hinrikus

Anne-Maria Pennonen (Ateneum Art Museum)
Finnish Women Artists as Prize-Winners in the Mid-Nineteenth Century

Anu Utriainen (Ateneum Art Museum)
Women in the Finnish Art Scene at the Turn of the 20th Century: Education, Status and Career Opportunities in the Context of Building a Museum Collection

Hanne Selkokari (Ateneum Art Museum)
The Finnish Women Artists’ Exhibition in Berlin in 1943: Aune Lindström’s Tour de Force

12.15–12.45 Coffee break

12.45–14.30 Rethinking Art History
Chair Linda Kaljundi

Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)
Women Artists and the Shortcomings of Art History as We Know It

Sigrun Åsebø (University of Bergen)
Reiterated Stereotypes or Liberated Women? Exhibiting Modernist Women in Norwegian Art Museums

Bart Pushaw (University of Copenhagen)
What about Whiteness? Confronting Coloniality

14.30–15.30 Lunch

15.30–17.15 Ways of Curating
Chair Ingrid Ruudi

Frida Forsgren (University of Agder)
Strategies in Contemporary Norwegian All-Women-Exhibitions

Laima Kreivytė (Vilnius Academy of Art)
Why Do We Still Need All-Women-Exhibitions?

Līna Birzaka-Priekule (Latvian National Museum of Arts)
Deconstructing Woman’s Identity in the 21st Century: The Contemporary Art Programme in the Creative Studio of the Exhibition Hall Arsenāls

17.15–18.00 Coffee break

18.00 Keynote lecture
Chair Bart Pushaw

Jenna C. Ashton (University of Manchester)
Learning from Artists: Migration, Equality & Care

Additional information
Anu Allas
Tel. +3726026056
Mob. +37253403356

Kumu Art Museum
Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1
10127 Tallinn

The conference is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

CONF: Women Artists in Baltic and Nordic Museums (Tallinn, 5-6 Mar 20). In:, Feb 11, 2020 (accessed Feb 23, 2025), <>.
