CFP 12.01.2020

Cultural Interactions Between Latin America and Eastern Europe

Eingabeschluss : 19.02.2020

Dr. Laura Petrauskaitė


Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis is now accepting proposals for volume 101, to be issued in the fall 2021. The volume aims at encouraging a transdisciplinary discussion on cultural interactions between Latin America and Eastern Europe. Therefore we welcome contributions from scholars working across a wide disciplinary range, including art history, music, literature and film, religious studies, philosophy, gender and cultural studies, history, anthropology, and sociology. Presentations of artistic research on the topic of the volume are also welcome.

In the last decade transcultural research has been prevailing in humanities, but the historical, political, and cultural connections between Latin America and Eastern Europe are still not well known and underresearched. For the time being both regions remain mentally distant both for their societies and many researchers. A critical look at this gap encourages the actualization of its opposite – contact zones, interrelations, encounters and cultural transfers. The purpose of this volume is to reflect on the migration of images, ideas, art objects, materials, technologies and artists between Latin America and Eastern Europe.

"Latin America" and "Eastern Europe" are problematic terms righteously criticized by many (W. Mignolo 2005, L. Wolff 1994, etc.). But while the scholars are in search for more neutral concepts, both terms are used here as provisional categories. Both geographic regions consist of diverse states, nations and ethnic groups, therefore we invite to examine not only transcontinental links, but also cultural transfers between particular states or individual artists. This volume is conceived as a broad cultural study that exploits a variety of perspectives, approaches and time frames.

Possible topics include but are not limited to:

- Cultural and artistic interactions between Latin America and Eastern Europe, their contact zones, communication ruptures, borders: material, epistemic, experiential factors.

- The image of Latin America in Eastern European art, architecture, films, theater, literature and music, and vice versa, the representation of Eastern Europe in artistic culture of Latin America.

- The migration of artists, writers, musicians and other creative professionals; its political, economic, social and cultural significance.

- Establishing, popularizing, deconstructing and rewriting art historical canons: the role of museums, international biennials, collectors, art academies, and art practices.

- Circulation, appropriation and reception of objects and images. The topic covers a wide variety of objects (maps, diplomatic gifts, devotional pictures, illustrated children’s books, showpieces, art collections etc.) and encourages to analyze how the migration of objects changes their meaning, function and consumption across time and space.

Papers are published in English or Lithuanian. For further information on publication guidelines see:

All papers are peer-reviewed and subject to SCOPUS and EBSCO Publishing lists.

Please send your proposal (max. 300 words + 100 words bio) to Dr. Laura Petrauskaitė: by 19 February 2020.

Selected authors will be notified by 29 February 2020.

The deadline for the submission of papers is 1 September 2020.

CFP: Cultural Interactions Between Latin America and Eastern Europe. In:, 12.01.2020. Letzter Zugriff 31.03.2025. <>.
