Borman and Sons in Context. Brabantine sculpture from 1460-1540
In September 2019 10 years of interdisciplinary research are brought together in the first ever monographical exhibition and new publication on the Borman family of Brussels sculptors, active from the second half of the fifteenth century until well into the second third of the sixteenth century. Therefore, the 6th annual Ards colloquium returns home to M - Museum Leuven. The program features lectures, a visit to the exhibition ‘Borman and sons’ as well as in situ visites. A call for papers has been launched and we received many papers on the topic of Brabantine sculpture.
Wednesday 27th of November 2019
09:15 Registration and coffee
09:45 Welcome | Peter Bary, General director M Leuven
09:50 Introduction to the conference theme: Borman in context | dra. Marjan Debaene, Ards Coordinator & Head of Collections M – Museum Leuven
09:55 Introduction to sessions theme: Commissions and Commissioners
10:00 Lecture 1 | Magali Briat-Philippe, Curator & Head of Heritage the Royal Monastery of Brou, Bourg-en-Bresse
The Statuary of the Royal Monastery of Brou, an Important and Singular Witness of Brabantine Sculpture between 1513 and 1522
10:25 Lecture 2 | dr. Ruben Suykerbuyk, Postdoctoral Researcher Ghent University
Passchier Borman and the Ravenstein mausoleum in Brussels (1524-1527)
10:50 Lecture 3 | dra. Emily Pegues, PhD Candidate The Courtauld Institute of Art London & Curatorial Associate, Department of sculpture and decorative arts, National Gallery of Art Washington
New Technical Research on the Tomb of Mary of Burgundy
11:15 Coffee Break
11:35 Lecture 4 | dr. Emile van Binnebeke, Curator Museum Art & History Brussels
The Saint-George altarpiece as agent of political propaganda
12:00 Lecture 5 | Catheline Périer-D’Ieteren, Honorary Professor Free University of Brussels and
Member of the Royal Academy for Science and the Arts of Belgium & dr. Emmanuelle Mercier, Head of the studio of conservation of polychrome wood sculpture KIK/IRPA Belgium & Myriam Serck-Dewaide, Honorary Director KIK/IRPA Belgium, Professor INP Paris and Honorary Lecturer Ecole supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre (ENSAV)
The Adoration of the Magi in San Nazaro, Milan: an unknown work by Jan II Borman?
12:25 Questions, remarks & discussions
12:35 Lunch at M – Museum Leuven and free visit to the museum
13:20 We assemble at the start of the Borman exhibition for the beginning of the afternoon programme
13:25 Group visit to the exhibition ‘Borman and Sons’ in M
14:55 Coffee break
15:15 Afternoon session
15:20 Lecture 6 | dra. Hannah De Moor, PhD Candidate Illuminare – Centre for the Study of
Medieval Art KU Leuven
Netherlandish Carved Altarpieces in Sweden: Provenance, Patronage and Personalisation
15:45 Lecture 7 | dr. Ragnhild M. Bø, Marie Curie/RCN Postdoctoral Fellow, Courtauld Institute of Art London and University of Oslo
The Resurrected Christ Appearing to His Mother: Borman and Beyond
16:10 Lecture 8 | drs. Adam Levine, PhD Candidate at Columbia University New York
From the Goldene Kammer to the Kunstkammer: Brussels Reliquaries as Itinerant Objects
16:35 Lecture 9 | drs. Emilio Ruiz de Arcaute Martinez, Senior Technician Restoration Service of the Deputation of Alava & PhD Candidate University of Sevilla
Originals or copies? Interesting contributions regarding the technical study of two of Borman’s reliquary busts
17:00 Questions, remarks & discussions
Thursday 28th of November 2019
09:00 Welcome/registration and coffee
09:25 Introduction to the conference theme: The Borman Method - researching style and materiality
09:30 Keynote | Michel Lefftz, Professor at the Department of Art History and Archeology University of Namur
The creative identity of the Bormans
10:15 Lecture 10 | dra. Marjan Debaene & dr. Claire Dumortier, Honorary Curator of the Ceramics Collections at the Royal Museums of Art and History Brussels
Title of the lecture to be confirmed
10:40 Lecture 11 | Elisabeth Van Eyck, Art Historian KIK/IRPA Belgium & Ria De Boodt, Lecturer at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in the University College Antwerp and the Faculty of Design Sciences of Antwerp University
Reunited? Case-study about an early 16th century carved wooden altarpiece and its painted shutters
11:05 Coffee Break
11:25 Lecture 12 | Ingrid Geelen, Researcher at the Department of Conservation, Polychromed Sculpture Workshop KIK/IRPA Belgium
The polychromers of the Bormans
11:50 Lecture 13 | dr. Pascale Fraiture, Head of the Dendrochronology Laboratory at KIK/IRPA Belgium
Three altarpieces attributed to the Borman dynasty studied by dendrochronology
12:15 Questions, remarks & discussions
12:25 Lunch at M – Museum Leuven and free visit to the museum
13:10 We assemble at the conference room for the beginning of the afternoon programme
13:15 Group visit to Saint Peter’s Church
14:45 Afternoon session
14:50 Lecture 14 | Seppe Roels, C/R & Research of polychrome objects & Marieke Van Vlierden, Art Historian
Marks on sculptures related to the Borman workshops
15:15 Lecture 15 | Christel Theunissen, Researcher Centre for Art Historical Documentation,
Radboud University Nijmegen
Lost and found: choir stalls made by Brussels craftsmen
15:40 Coffee Break
16:00 Lecture 16 | Douglas Brine, Associate Professor of Art History, Trinity University San Antonio, Texas
The Cloisters Lectern re-examined
16:25 Lecture 17 | dra. Marjan Debaene
Ards Facts, Figures & Future
16:40 Questions, remarks & discussions
19:00 Conference dinner (optional)
Friday 29th of November 2019 (OPTIONAL EXCURSION BY BUS)
08:00 Departure by bus for excursion to Bruges (Church of Our Lady with Tomb of Mary Of Burgundy, Michelangelo's Virgin and Child etc. and Gruuthusemuseum) in the morning and visits to the conservation workshops of KIK-IRPA (with exclusive visit to the current treatment/research project of the Saint George Altarpiece)
17:30 Arrival in Leuven and end of the 6th Annual Colloquium
Travel grants
To facilitate students and researchers with limited financial means the organization of 6th Ards Colloquium, with the generous support of the Royal Academy of Archaeology of Belgium, has made available five travel grants of € 500,00 each which can be used for travel expenses, lodging costs and other costs related to attending the colloquium. These grants will be awarded (preferably) to non-Benelux and/or non-European applicants. To apply for the grant, please send a motivational letter (max. 1 A4) explaining your professional and financial status as a student or researcher, your non-availability to academic travel funds etc.
Travel arrangements must be made by the applicants. The grant will be only be paid out after reception of original travel or lodging documents/bills. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the selection process in early October. Apply now through September 30th by sending an e-mail with your motivational letter to Marjan Debaene, Ards coordinator at
Registration and practical information
Participation to the Colloquium and entrance to M – Museum Leuven and Saint Peter’ Church Museum are free of charge for all chairs, speakers and registered attendants. Programme and timetable may be subject to change.
Address: M – Museum Leuven, Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 28, 3000 Leuven, Belgium,
On all conference days, lunch and coffee breaks are included and free of charge for all registered attendants and speakers.
On Thursday evening, the 28th of November 2019 we are organising a conference dinner for which registration is obligatory. Chairs and speakers are invited. Other participants, who have registered beforehand, are invited to join us at their own expense for an all-in dinner at € 55,00 (appetiser, two-course meal, coffee/tea and all drinks included) at Improvisio, Brusselsestraat 63B, 3000 Leuven.
On Friday, the 29th of November 2019, we’re organising excursions by bus for which we ask a contribution of € 25,00.
Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us via, Marjan Debaene, or Anne Liefsoens,
with the support of the Royal Academy of Archaeology of Belgium - avec le soutien de l'Académie royale d'Archéologie de Belgique - met de steun van de Koninklijke Academie voor Oudheidkunde van België
CONF: Borman and Sons in Context (Leuven, 27-29 Nov 19). In:, Sep 17, 2019 (accessed Feb 18, 2025), <>.