TOC 19.06.2019

Museological Review, Issue 23

Anna Tulliach

We are very pleased to announce the publication of

Museological Review Issue 23 on ‘(Dis)Empowered Museums’.

The issue is available to download from the following link:

Museums have the power to influence behaviour, foster change, improve lives and establish partnerships between different individuals and communities. Nevertheless, some would argue that museums are gradually losing their power. This disempowerment can be attributed to various factors, from financial restrictions to the current political situation. What does power, or lack of power, in museums look like today? And how does this impact their social role? The contributions presented in this issue show a variety of stories dealing with empowerment and disempowerment in museums and cultural institutions.

In line with previous editions, Museological Review’s Issue 23 offers a selection of platforms: academic articles, a visual submission, exhibition reviews, interviews, and the work of an artist. Contributions have been arranged according to three sub-themes: politics, visions and communities.

In this issue:

Cover Image: AMUSEUM THERAPY - Pedro França

Q&A with Paulo Miyada

Who Holds Power in Heritage and What Does That Mean for Museums?
- Barbara Wood

Natural History Disavowed: Confronting Colonial Legacies in the Musée des Confluences
- CD Green

Decolonise Art History, Decolonise Art Museums!
- Jelle Bouwhuis

‘It’s the Right Who Belong in a Museum’: Radical Popular Movements in the Museum Context
- Olga Zabalueva

Exhibition Review: The Norwegian Fisheries Museums: Industry, Power, and Ecology
- Zoi Tsiviltidou

Q&A with Alejandra Saladino

Interactions in the House of European History
- Inês Quintanilha

Creating the Museum of Dissent: Showcasing the Changeover Exhibition at the Museums Association Conference and Exhibition, Belfast 2018
- Lisa Kennedy & Donata Miller

Challenging the Narrative Through Art
- Madeline Burkhardt

Visual Submission: A Place for All? Cultural Accessibility at Stake: an Italian Example
- Valeria Florenzano

Exhibition Review: No Offence? – LGBTQ+ Histories at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
- Abbey L.R. Ellis

Museums networks in isolated territories: the case of the Aysén Museums Network in Aysén Region, Chilean Patagonia
- Anamaría Rojas Múnera & Kémel Sade Martínez

The Return of Cultural Objects and Human Remains as a Way of Healing the Historical Trauma of Indigenous Communities
- Justyna Ladosz

(Dis)embodied Voices: War, Conflicting History, and the Interpretation of Plantation Museums through Community Involvement
- Kristin Barry

Within and Without: Inclusions and Exclusions in Folk and Tribal Museums in India
- Sarita Sundar

TOC: Museological Review, Issue 23. In:, 19.06.2019. Letzter Zugriff 25.04.2024. <>.
