CFP 03.05.2019

Ikonotheka: Making Sense of the Senses

Eingabeschluss : 30.06.2019

Zuzanna Sarnecka

Call for Articles 2020 | Making Sense of the Senses
Ikonotheka | Journal of the Institute of Art History
University of Warsaw
Editors-in-chief: dr. Zuzanna Sarnecka and dr. Wojciech Szymański

Ikonotheka invites scholars to send article proposals on the topic "Making Sense of the Senses" for the XXX issue (2020).

for the abstract: 30 June 2019 (notification by 7 July 2019)
for the article: 30 October 2019

THE JOURNAL | Ikonotheka
Ikonotheka is a journal of the Institute of Art History University of Warsaw on the history and theory of the arts. Ikonotheka was founded in 1987 by Professor Jan Białostocki, with the first volume published in 1990. The journal seeks to demonstrate a wide range of approaches to the study of the art of the past and of the contemporary artistic practice. It encourages its authors to employ different methodologies and welcomes investigations into previously understudied art historical topics. The authors are invited to consider both mainstream and lesser known artists and/or artworks. The journal publishes solely original texts that have not been previously published elsewhere.
The journal is annual and undergoes a double-blind peer review, which is carried out both for paper and digital (open access) editions.

TOPIC AND ISSUES | Making Sense of the Senses

Through the centuries, connoisseurs, critics, art historians and art institutions favoured sight and the ocularcentric approach to art. This perspective has shaped our understanding of the singular role of the sense of sight in appreciating artworks of the past and continues to affect the way, in which we engage with contemporary art. In this volume we wish to focus on the role played by all the senses in creating, handling, displaying, collecting and exhibiting art. Be it an ancient Egyptian statuette of Horus the Falcon or a sixteenth-century fountain sculpture, looking is but one, and surely limited, mode of engaging with artworks.

The editors have invited the following participants to provide statements about the role of the senses in artistic and curatorial practices: Marietta Cambareri (Museum of Fine Arts in Boston), Capucine Gros (artist), Professor Deborah Howard (University of Cambridge), Joanna Rajkowska (artist).
Their statements will open the volume and demonstrate a wide range of perspectives on the senses in art.

We invite contributions addressing the issue of the senses and art through the centuries.
Possible topics may include:
- Senses in cultural, religious, philosophical, sociological and political contexts
- Historicizing the sensorium
- Recreating the sensory experience in a museum
- Multi-sensory artworks
- Senses and contemporary artistic practice

SUBMISSION | Guidelines and Dates
Deadline for the abstracts: 30 June 2019, with successful notification by 7 July 2019. In the first instance submissions should include a summary of the proposed article of no more than 500 words, together with a brief description of the argument, a historiography and a note of the research tools and sources used. Please include the author’s short biographical note (up to 200 words, including current affiliation).
The deadline for the final contributions will be 30 October 2019.
Publication date early 2020.
The expected length of individual contributions is approximately 6000 words. All submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind peer review process.

Please send the abstracts to:

CFP: Ikonotheka: Making Sense of the Senses. In:, 03.05.2019. Letzter Zugriff 23.02.2025. <>.
