CFP Apr 4, 2019

Historic Libraries and Art Historiography (Chicago, 12-15 Feb 20)

Chicago, Illinois, Feb 12–15, 2020
Deadline: Apr 22, 2019

Jeanne-Marie Musto

Currently seeking papers for a session exploring the potential of historic libraries to deepen and broaden our understanding of art historiography and its relationship to social, intellectual and geo-political currents. Such libraries include those not specifically intended for the study of art. This session will build on a theme introduced at CAA 2019, where a wide range of art-historical themes emerged from diverse libraries. These libraries range from early modern through twentieth century, across several continents, and survive intact or through inventories.
Xu Bo’s library inventory, for example, offers a view into the role of art history in Ming dynasty regionalism, while the history of an individual Mexican codex within the National Library of Spain tells of the shifting winds of colonial and post-colonial cultural authority. But these libraries also tell of more than geopolitical concerns. They underline efforts to define the inchoate discipline of art history through a wide spectrum of materials. At the same time, they demonstrate active participation in art historical debates, and connections with artists and arts administrators.
Papers that examine any aspect of the historiography of art emerging from the analysis of historic libraries will be welcomed.

Please send proposals for a paper including title, abstract (250 words) and CV to Dr. Jeanne-Marie Musto:

For more information concerning CAA 2020, see:

CFP: Historic Libraries and Art Historiography (Chicago, 12-15 Feb 20). In:, Apr 4, 2019 (accessed Feb 23, 2025), <>.
