CFP Mar 12, 2019

Session at SCSC 2019 (St. Louis, 17-20 Oct 19)

St. Louis
Deadline: Mar 20, 2019

Cristelle Baskins, Tufts University
IAS-Sponsored session(s) at the Sixteenth Century Society & Conference (SCSC)
IAS Deadline: 20 March 2019
The IAS is seeking complete session proposals that address any issue relevant to Italian art and architecture during the long sixteenth century. The Sixteenth Century Society & Conference (SCSC) was founded to promote scholarship on the early modern era (c.1450-1600), and actively encourages the participation of international scholars as well as the integration of younger colleagues into the academic community.
IAS members interested in putting together a panel or linked panels should send a brief abstract (250 words max.); session title; a list of speakers with their affiliations and paper titles; and the name of the chair(s) with email address(es), affiliation(s), and one-page CV(s) to the IAS Program Committee Chair (
The deadline for submissions of session proposals to the IAS is 20 March 2019.
Completed panels are due to SCSC by 7 April 2019.

Please note that the SCSC welcomes graduate student speakers who are within one or two years of defending their dissertations. However, all sessions must include at least one speaker who has received the PhD or other terminal degree, and predoctoral speakers should present dissertation research, not term papers.

Please also see the IAS Submission Guidelines at

CFP: Session at SCSC 2019 (St. Louis, 17-20 Oct 19). In:, Mar 12, 2019 (accessed Mar 14, 2025), <>.
