Many Antwerp Hands: Collaborations in Netherlandish Art, 1400-1750
More information on the programme and registration can be found at:
Please register early as space is limited!
08:30 Registration and coffee
09:00 Welcome: Véronique Van de Kerckhof, Rubenianum
09:05 Opening Remarks: Lieneke Nijkamp, Rubenianum and Abigail Newman, Universiteit Antwerpen/Rubenianum
SESSION I: Shaping the Image of Collaboration
09:15 Introduction by session chair: Tine Luk Meganck, Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België
09:30 Katharine Campbell, University of Michigan, Composite Traditions: Metsys and Patinir’s Temptation of St. Anthony and Antwerp’s Artistic Heritage
09:55 Dorien Tamis, Independent Scholar, The Critical Appreciation and Reception of Collaboration in the Low Countries
10:20 Discussion
10:30 Coffee break (45 minutes)
SESSION II: Structuring Collaborative Relationships
11:15 Introduction by session chair: Sabine Van Sprang, Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België
11:30 Jan Van der Stock, Illuminare/KU Leuven, The Antwerp Altarpiece Enterprise of Dierick Proudekin (ca. 1442–ca. 1507). Assessing the Archival Evidence
11:55 Rudy Jos Beerens, KU Leuven, Can't See the Forest for the Trees: Reconstructing the Sonian Forest Painters' Network
12:20 Discussion
12:30 Lunch (1 hour and 30 minutes)
SESSION III: Collaboration through Shared Knowledge
14:00 Introduction by session chair: Manfred Sellink, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen
14:15 Oliver Kik, KU Leuven, Art as Science: The Art of Geometry and Netherlandish Artists’ Mapmaking Collaborations 1480–1560
14:40 Ruth Noyes, National Museum of Denmark, Artistic-Epistemic Collaborations Beyond Netherlandish Art and Science: The Case of Opticorum Libri Sex and the astrolabium aequinoctiale
15:05 Discussion
15:15 Coffee break (45 minutes)
16:00 Introduction: Arnout Balis, Centrum Rubenianum
16:15 Keynote: Anne Woollett, J. Paul Getty Museum, Collaboration in the 21st Century: Then and Now
SESSION IV: Flemish Immigrants' Collaborative Strategies
09:00 Introduction by session chair: Eric Jan Sluijter, Universiteit van Amsterdam
09:15 Alice Zamboni, The Courtauld Institute of Art, Making Contact: Collaborative Printmaking in the Circle of Southern Netherlandish Artists at the Munich Court of Wilhelm V
09:40 Julia Grace Lillie, Bard Graduate Center, Collaboration in Exile: Print Publications by Crispijn de Passe and Matthias Quad, Made in Cologne, 1589-1604
10:05 Discussion
10:15 Coffee break (30 minutes)
SESSION V: Comparative Cases Beyond the Southern Netherlands
10:45 Introduction: Bernard Aikema, Università di Verona
11:00 Stefan Halikowski Smith, Swansea University, The Chafariz d’el Rei: A Luso-Flemish Partnership?
11:25 Eduardo Lamas-Delgado, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), Many Italian and Flemish Hands among Spaniards: Francisco Rizi and Artistic Collaboration in Baroque Spain
11:50 Weixuan Li, Universiteit van Amsterdam/Huygens ING, The Hands Behind De Lairesse’s Masterpieces: A Quantitative Approach
12:15 Discussion
12:30 Lunch (1.5 hours)
SESSION VI: Typical Antwerp Collaborative Techniques?
14:00 Introduction by session chair: Elizabeth Honig, University of California, Berkeley/Universiteit Utrecht
14:15 Uta Neidhardt and Konstanze Krüger, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Van Balen and Brueghel in Collaboration: A Group of Works from Dresden
14:40 Ursula Härting, Independent Scholar, Collaboration – Addition: Alexander Keirincx (1600–1652) in Antwerp, Utrecht, Britain, Amsterdam
15:05 Discussion
15:15 Coffee break (45 minutes)
16:00 Keynote: Filip Vermeylen, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Antwerp as a Center of Artistic Collaboration: A Unique Selling Point?
17:00 Closing Remarks: Elizabeth Honig, University of California, Berkeley/Universiteit Utrecht
CONF: Many Antwerp Hands (Antwerp, 5-6 Nov 18). In:, 27.10.2018. Letzter Zugriff 29.03.2025. <>.