The International Multidisciplinary Congress Empire & Tourism is based on the idea that it is necessary to reflect on how the journeying between the metropole and the former colonies inspired the growth of colonial tourism which developed in multiple different strands. The ‘age of empires’ closely overlaps the dramatic development of tourism from a largely European phenomenon to a global one. This question is also related to the theme of borders, physical as well as ideological, since Colonial Travel was linked to the established imperial power, now revisited in the light of post-colonial studies to which the present age is heir. Taking as its starting point the growing visibility of the theme at an international level, and with the project incorporated within a framework encapsulated within Contemporary Art History that takes into account the specificities of the national culture, we propose to reflect on the triangle of ‘Travel – Colonial Tourism – Culture, not only from the viewpoint of the European geo-political context but also from perspectives of an authorial world view.
The Centre for Humanities (CHAM), the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) and the Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies (ESHTE) invite the academic community to contribute to the INTERNATIONAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS EMPIRE & TOURISM 2019 in order to promote the scientific debate on its diverse cultural, social and artistic manifestations. The complete papers and abstracts are evaluated by the Scientific Committee who will act, alongside with other scholars as double-blind peer review.
- Article’s size: the full article (including abstract, pictures - only in shades of grey -, tables, charts, quotes, notes and bibliography) should not exceed 8 pages and should not be less than 4 pages. Papers must be formatted according to the template provided. The maximum number of images per article is 2 (two).
- The deadline to submit a full paper, abstract and keywords will be August 1st 2018.
- All files must be sent to the email address: imperioeturismoeshte.pt
- The answer from the Scientific Committee on the acceptance of communications, based on the double blind peer-review system will be sent by the end of October 2018.
Requirements for abstract / full paper submission:
- The Full Papers must be original, not having been previously published or submitted to any other scientific meeting.
- Abstracts and Full Papers are to be written in Portuguese / British English. Regardless of the scientific relevance of the paper submitted, it will not be accepted if its fails linguistic quality (Portuguese or English). The Organising Committee will not be responsible for any linguistic revision. Therefore, all authors are responsible for the revision of their texts prior to its sending. Abstracts must summarize the key aspects of the full paper, highlighting the conclusions and goals of the paper. At the end of the Abstract, keywords (maximum 5) must be included in order to provide a clear and easy search. Abstracts’ maximum length will be between 200 and 220 words.
- The Full Paper (including Abstract, Images, Tables, Graphics, Quotations, Notes and Bibliographical References) must be sent in Microsoft Office Word format. All files must be identified with the author’s name and content (ex: a.smith.doc; a.smith_curriculum.doc). Quotations and Bibliographical References must follow Chicago Manual of Style.
The papers accepted for presentation will be published as chapters in a volume that will have the same title as the Conference. The book will be published as ArTravel production and it will indicate as sponsors the following academic and scientific organizations: CHAM, UNL, FCT plus other sponsors that join the event until January 2019. All accepted papers shall be published in book format with ISBN code and will be in the repository of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in open access (https://run.unl.pt/?locale=pt).
The conference fee for all the participants is 40 € that will be paid in the same day of the event. Each participant of the panels will have a copy of the Anthology that will be published and ready for that day.
The conference fee for all the participants is 40 € and it should be paid on the days of the event. Each participant of the panels will have a copy of the anthology that will have been published and ready at the time of the event.
The congress will be conducted in English
ArTravel Project www.fcsh.unl.pt/artravel
CHAM http://www.cham.fcsh.unl.pt/
ESHTE www.eshte.pt
CONF: Empire & Tourism (Lisbon, 3-4 Apr 19). In: ArtHist.net, May 19, 2018 (accessed Feb 10, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/18183>.