CFP 20.02.2018

A Taste for the Exotic (Riggisberg, 27-28 Sep 18)

Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg (CH), 27.–28.09.2018
Eingabeschluss : 15.04.2018

Sara van Dijk

A Taste for the Exotic: Cross-Cultural Influences in Early Modern Dress and Textiles

Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg (CH)

Cross-cultural encounters in the early modern period whether through trade, exploration, travel or ambassadorial postings at various courts left their mark and inadvertently influenced the appearance of dress and textiles. The fascination for the unknown, the connections and relationships that were forged and ultimately facilitated by the cross-cultural exchange between Europe, the New World, Africa and Asia enabled the integration of new motifs, styles and techniques, which we have come to recognise as Indian chintzes, Chinese silk, Ottoman textiles among others and a plethora of foreign dress styles. Ideas of cultural appropriation and adaptation, notions of identity, the exchange and interpretations of cultural values, as manifested in dress styles as well as colours, motifs and production methods of textiles emphasise the changing attitudes towards dress and textile consumption in the early modern period.

The conference aims to generate a discussion about the cross-cultural influences in dress and textiles by considering how these ideas were transferred, disseminated and exchanged as well as the ways in which these cultural interactions were used to form connections and foster relationships between different people and places.

PhD students and early career researchers are invited to speak about the topic with reference to their current or previous projects. We invite potential speakers to submit as a single document: (1) a 300-word paper abstract, which should include the main question of the research project, (2) a paper title, (3) a short written biography (150 words max), (4) institutional affiliations, (5) subject of PhD thesis and (expected) date of completion and (6) contact information to the Dressing the Early Modern Network at

Each speaker will be allotted twenty minutes. The deadline for submissions is 15 April 2018. Notification of the outcome will be advised by e-mail on or before 15 May 2018.

Please note that participants will be required to fund and arrange their own travel to Switzerland and accommodations in Bern. Transport by chartered bus from Bern to Riggisberg in the mornings and back in the evenings as well as all refreshments and meals during the conference will be generously provided by the hosting institution Abegg-Stiftung.

CFP: A Taste for the Exotic (Riggisberg, 27-28 Sep 18). In:, 20.02.2018. Letzter Zugriff 03.05.2024. <>.
