CFP Jan 29, 2018

Philostrato No. 3, 2018

Madrid, Feb 1–Apr 30, 2018
Deadline: May 2, 2018

Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez

Instituto Moll. Research center for the Flemish Painting in Spain

Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte
Number 3, 2018
DOI: 10.25293
ISSN: 2530-9420

Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte is an academic journal published by Instituto Moll, Centro de Investigación en Pintura Flamenca. The journal focuses on the publication of original research articles in history and art history, by national and international authors, and is open to all professionals in the above-mentioned disciplines in general. The texts may cover subjects related to the visual arts and history from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, especially those that have been developed in the period of hegemony of the House of Habsburg and the relations between Spain and the rest of Europe, particularly the territory of Flanders and the Low Countries.

Guidelines for authors

-Articles must be original and not have been published before.

-Texts are admitted in the languages determined by the CIHA: English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch and Italian, as well as co-official languages in Spanish territory.

-Articles must comply with the specific rules of publication, outlined below.

-The texts of the articles must not exceed 50,000 characters; half for miscellany (25,000); and reviews between 6,000 and 9,000.

-Images, if there are any, must be sent in jpg/tif/png format, provided they do not entail any infringement of reproduction rights.

-If the author thinks that it is necessary to include a brief curriculum with the article, it will be sent as independent document of Word or Pdf (no more than a page).

Rules of publication

Original articles will be sent on digital medium, preferably through this platform OJS. To do this, the author must create a “user” in this journal page and later "Login". Once registered in OJS, the author must follow the instructions provided by the system during the process of sending articles. As support material we offer authors the following User Manual to familiarize themselves with the platform.

Exceptionally, author will be able to send the article and support material through the following e-mail to, separating the text (Word) and image files; or by post – on paper (UNE A4), in duplicate, together with a CDROM containing the images, the text and the illustration captions – addressed to the Editorial Secretary at the journal’s address: Estrella Omil Ignacio, Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte. Instituto Moll, c/ Marqués de la Ensenada 4, 1º 28004, Madrid (tel. +0034 699542900). If originals are sent by email, the images must be sent via Wetransfer, perfectly identified by their correlative numbering according to the text. (Fig. 1, 2, etc.)

They must be original unpublished articles and not have been submitted for consideration for publication in any other journal, it being necessary to sign and send the Declaration of authorship available on the journal’s webpage. They will be preceded by a page on which appear the title of the article, the name of the author (or authors), their address, telephone number and email address, as well as their academic situation and the name of the academic institution to which they belong, and the date the article is sent to the journal.

Articles, including notes and bibliography, shall not exceed 50,000 characters with spaces, and half of that, 25,000 characters with spaces, for those addressed to the “Miscellany” section. The length of book reviews and features shall be between 6,000 and 9,000 characters with spaces. Font size will be 11, Verdana. Pages must be numbered and the notes placed at the foot of the page, numbered correlatively.

A brief abstract of the content of the article in English and Spanish shall be added (the latter will be supplied by the journal), with a maximum length of 10 lines for articles and 3 lines for contributions to the “Miscellany” section, followed by the corresponding keywords in both languages, of which there should be no more than 10. The title of the article must also be translated into English.

More information on:

Instituto Moll is a Centre of Research and Studies of Flemish Painting created by the group Editorial Prensa Ibérica. Its aim is to promote advanced research, study and knowledge of the Flemish painting and, especially, its links with Spain.

It is well known that, since the 16th century, this pictorial school had a close relationship with the Iberian Peninsula and its undeniable influence in Spanish idiosyncrasy and culture. The main objective of Instituto Moll is to deepen the study of these historical relations which were essential for the development of later Spanish painting.

Being a non-profit institution, Instituto Moll has been working with the only purpose of becoming a centre of research especially committed to spreading, with a strict academic rigour, the period of Art History that goes from the 15th until the 18th centurie. Its bibliographic and photographic archives are available to young art students upon prior request.

In this sense, Instituto Moll also aims to be a meeting point for the new generations who wish to further study the Flemish Art History and its projection in our country.

CFP: Philostrato No. 3, 2018. In:, Jan 29, 2018 (accessed Oct 19, 2024), <>.
